BUND Fledermauszentrum Hannover
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BUND Fledermauszentrum Hannover

Twisted Wing

Das Foto zeigt eine Fledermaus mit einem verdrehter Flügel, Der Flügel liegt oberhalb der Schulter // The photo shows a bat with a twisted wing, The wing is above the shoulder. verdrehter Flügel // twisted wing  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Here you can see a so-called "twisted wing" The metacarpal wing part lies above the elbow joint. This is very painful for the animals and they need immediate help. If no-one is on site who knows how to correct the wing, please give our vet a call (0157-30910222)! If after the correction the elbow joint is thick or the animal continues to show pain, please also give our vet a call immediately.
Twisted wings may cause pressure necrosis in the elbow and inflammations.
Please note that the animals might bite because they are in pain.
Bats that had a twisted wings, cannot be released soon, because first the elbow needs time for stabilization.
How does a bat get a twisted wing? Twisted wings may be a result of cleaning the wings by the bat him-/herself, when the bat has an injured shoulder or elbow. Bats with an injured shoulder / elbow joint may have difficulty in returning the wing back into the correct position. 

Das Foto zeigt eine Fledermaus mit richtig liegendem Flügel // the photo shows a bat with the wing in correct position Fledermaus mit richtig liegendem Flügel // Bat with wing in correct position  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

This wing is ok: 

Foot injury

In case of a foot injury you have to help bats with their fur care by brushing the fur carefully: 

Cystitis in Bats

Das Foto zeigt einen Großen Abendsegler mit Blasenentzündung Großer Abendsegler mit Blasenentzündung, Nytcalus Noctula with bladder infection, cystitis  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

A Nyctalus noctula with cystitis is currently in intensive medical treatment. Cystitis is in many cases fatal for bats. The situation is critical. 

Clogged gland

Das Foto zeigt ein Großes Mausohr mit verstopfter Drüse, die Nase ist stark geschwollen. // the photo shows a myotis myotis with clogged gland, the nose is very swollen Großes Mausohr mit verstopfter Drüse // Myotis myotis with clogged gland  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Clogged gland must be treated by a veterinarian. 

Bat with Exiccose / Dehydration

Das Foto zeigt eine Fledermaus mit Exsiccose (Austrocknung), die Hautfalten bleiben stehen. // the photo shows a bat with exsiccosis (dehydration), the skin folds remain standing. Fledermaus mit Exsiccose (Austrocknung), die Hautfalten bleiben stehen. // Bat with exsiccosis (dehydration), the skin folds remain standing.  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Two days ago, a completely dry, emaciated pygmy bat came to us, motionless and almost dead. Skin folds pulled up on the back remained permanently, a sign of an acutely life-threatening exsiccosis (dehydration), which must be treated as quickly as possible.

After a slow infusion of lots of warm electrolyte solution, she gradually came back to herself and was able to swallow at least 2 drops of water. A while later she took 3 drops of puppy milk, digestible and liquid. Careful rehydration was continued every few hours, and her partially dried skins were gently massaged with ureasalve.

Also on the following day the infusion had to be repeated, but now she was already licking a little at expressed mealworms, and she was already hanging like a bat. Today, another improvement has been seen: urine heel and droppings work again, and expressed mealworms are still being taken slowly but gladly. Unfortunately, the two wing tips could not be saved, they were already dead. Fortunately, however, the other wing-parts and the tail tip are again supplied with blood. Since the wing tips have been lost symmetrically on both sides, this will hardly hinder her ability to fly later, and when she recovers, she will quickly learn how to handle it. She is still not completely out of danger and is still taken care of every few hours, but we are optimistic that she will continue to be on the mend. Keep your fingers crossed! 

Das Foto zeigt eine Fledermaus mit Exsiccose (Austrocknung), die Flughäute sind sehr trocken  // Bat with exsiccose (dyhydration), the wing skin is very dry Fledermaus mit Exsiccose (Austrocknung) // Bat with exsiccose (dyhydration)  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Dehydration / Exsiccose: Wings treated with urosalbe 

Das Foto zeigt eine Fledermaus mit Exsiccose (Austrocknung), die Flügelspitzen sind mumifiziert // the photo shows a bat with exsiccose (dyhydration), the wing tips are mummified Fledermaus mit Exsiccose (Austrocknung) // Bat with exsiccose (dyhydration)  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Exsiccose: mummified wing tips 


Pilzinfektion // Mycosis  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

This is a typical picture of a mycosis. For treatment ask your vet for a special shampoo or conact us.

Chemical burns in bats

Das Foto zeigt eine Fledermaus Fledermaus mit Verätzung im Gesicht // the photo shows a bat with chemical burn in the face. Fledermaus mit Verätzung // Bat with chemical burn  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

This bat suffered chemical burns of unknown cause - it survived and could be reintroduced healthy. Please contact a veterinarian.

Injury to a bat through sharp-edged ventilation slots

Fußverletzung // Foot injury  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Note for Bat Rescue Stations:

Please always take a close look at the feet of bats. This serious injury was caused by sharp-edged ventilation slots in a box. We hope that the toes can still be saved. You can see that the blood vessel is congested and the foot is swollen because the blood can no longer drain normally.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE

#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Recommended labeling for transport boxes for animals - here bats:

Das Foto zeigt Transportboxen für Fledermäuse, die mit der Notfalladresse beschriftet sind. // the photo shows transport boxes for bats, adressed with the emergency destination. Transportboxen für Fledermäuse // transport boxes for bats  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

The stickers say that there is a bat in the box and that the box must be brought closed to our vet. Why? We hope it will never happen, but it can still happen that our response team is involved in a traffic accident. With the stickers, the rescue workers at the scene of the accident can rescue the bat and bring it to our vet. We recommend that everyone transporting an animal should think about what will help rescue workers do the right thing for the animal in case of an accident.  

Bat station also offers soft sleeping places for injured animals

Das Foto zeigt einen Großer Abendsegler im weichen Schlafplatz zwischen zwei Kissen // the photo shows a Nyctalus noctula in a soft sleeping place between two cushions Großer Abendsegler im weichen Schlafplatz // Nyctalus noctula in a soft sleeping place  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Hello, my name is Missi. We have different sleeping places in the station. I have chosen a place between 2 pillows - I love this place! 

Book: The Rehabilitation and Captive Care of Insectivorous Bats by Amanda Lollar

Das Foto zeigt das Buch The Rehabilitation and Captive Care of Insectivorous Bats by Amanda Lollar The Rehabilitation and Captive Care of Insectivorous Bats by Amanda Lollar  (Foto vom Buch: Gudrun Becker / https://batworld.org/)

We recommend the book "The Rehabilitation and Captive Care of Insectivorous Bats" by Amanda Lollar. Here you can order the book.  


Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus am Telefon // The drawing shows BUNDchen bat at the phone BUNDchen Fledermaus am Telefon // BUNDchen Fledermaus at the phone  (Carina Bach / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

For medical treatment information about bats please contact Bat World Sanctuary.

Found a bat - get help!

click here

Take Action for bats!

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, er sagt zu dir Take Action! Werde aktiv für den Fledermausschutz! //  The drawing shows BUNDchen bat, he says to you Take Action! Get active for bat protection! click here

Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees

Das Foto zeigt einen großen grünen Baum // The photo shows a big green tree click here

Bats on Facebook

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus mit Handy // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat with cellphone click here

Bats on Instagram

click here

Bats on Youtube

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus auf der Bühne // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat on stage click here

Bats on Twitter

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, der Zeitung liest // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat who is reading the newspaper click here
Das Foto zeigt eine Kleinabendseglerin mit dem Text Ich bin ein Wesen der Nacht. Hast du je an mich gedacht? Ich bin klein und unscheinbar, und bin doch so wunderbar. Kleinabendsegler Nyctalus leisleri  (Gudrun Becker / www-bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)
Das Foto zeigt einen Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula im Porträt // The photo shows a nyctalus noctula in profile Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula  (Gudrun Becker / www-bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

„The future should not be foreseen but made possible.“ (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)  
