Bat Station FOE Germany Hannover

Bat Station BUND Region Hannover Bat Conservation Team Friends of the Earth Germany Hannover

Das Foto zeigt das Logo der Bingo Umweltstiftung mit dem Niedersachsenpferd // the photo shows the logo of Bingo Umweltstiftung with a white horse. Bingo Umweltstiftung  (Bingo Umweltstiftung /

In the BUND Bat Center Hanover injured bats are treated and trained for the reintroduction. Please note that the Bat Center is for the care and rehabilitation of injured bats. It is not a zoological facility where the animals can be presented for inspection. (We have a lot of visit requests, but unfortunately can not answer positively.) 


Hard to believe! - the start of 2011

Das Foto zeigt das BUND Fledermauszentrum Hannover im Bau 2011. Auf dem Foto sieht man viel Holz in einem unfertigen Raum // the photo shows the FOE bat center Hannover during construction in 2011, you see part of the working area with much wood in an unready room BUND Fledermauszentrum Hannover im Bau 2011 // FOE bat center Hannover during construction in 2011  (Dr. Renate Keil /

In 2011 we went through meter-high debris in the future bat center, then the work began (no matter what the temperature) before the animals finally moved in in 2012. Nevertheless, we dragged further water boxes up, because we could only dream of running water. Down in the parking lot was a camping toilet . 

Construction of the Bat Station 2011

The Bats Working Group worked countless hours for the construction of the BUND Bat Center Hannover, supplemented by the company Rund um's Haus and Eisbär Elektrik. 

Opening BUND Bat Station Hannover 2012

2012 Opening Bat Station BUND Region Hannover Friends of the Earth Germany Hannover

Das Foto zeigt unsere Tierärztin, den Umweltdezernenten und eine Fledermaus zur Eröffnung BUND Fledermauszentrum Hannover // the photo shows our vet, the envoriment head of department and a bat at the opening Bat center Friends of the Earth Germany Hannover Eröffnung BUND Fledermauszentrum Hannover // Opening Bat center Friends of the Earth Germany Hannover  (HAZ /

Hans Mönninghoff emphasized the importance of the new bat center for the protection of bats in the Hannover region at the opening by the environment department of the state capital Hanover. Unfortunately, almost every year, many - sometimes hundreds - of the strictly protected animals suffer from winter tree felling, because species such as the great noctule bird hibernate in hibernation huts. In severe, late winters, as in 2011 and 2012, the animals very often wake up bats in the midst of hibernation in non-frost resistant quarters, if they are not already frozen. They are then greatly weakened around in search of a new, safe winter quarters. This often leads to entry into buildings.

These and other bat patients are being cared for in the new bat center and trained to recover after their recovery. On a total of more than 160 m² of flying space, the animals can keep in contact with their fellow species during their recovery time and move freely. You can freely choose your sleeping places from a large selection of wooden boxes, wooden tubes, replanted tree hollows and hide-out boards. The animals are trained daily in a specially trained training aviary. As soon as a recovered animal has sufficient fitness and fitness, it is reintroduced to its habitat in its habitual environment. The Bat Center actively contributes to the conservation of our biodiversity of endangered species in cities and rural areas.

Further expansion of the bat center is planned so that it can also be used in the future as an environmental education center for bat conservation.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for the generous support of the Niedersächsische Bingo - Umweltstiftung and the state capital Hannover! Without this financial support it would not have been possible to build and expand the bat center with its release station !! But we also thank the many volunteers from the BUND working group bats, who have tirelessly helped in countless hours for months to make this project unique for the region of Hanover and to take care daily of the recovery and care of the many found animals! 

First Bat in the Bat Station BUND Hannover Region

Das Foto zeigt Eric und Robby - zwei Große Abendsegler - unsere ersten Fledermauspatienten im Fledermauszentrum // the photo shows Eric and Robby - two nyctalus noctula - our first bat patients in the bat center Eric und Robby unsere ersten Fledermauspatienten im Fledermauszentrum // Eric and Robby our first bat patients in the bat center  (Gudrun Becker /

Eric is the first bat to get into the bat station BUND Region Hannover - closely followed by Robby 

2013 - Construction of another aviary for small bat species

Das Foto zeigt die gerade neu gebaute Voliere im Fledermauszentrum  // the photo shows our new aviary in the bat center unsere neue Voliere // our new aviary  (Dr. Renate Keil /

In 2013, another training aviary for small bat species was completed. So it is possible to train and accommodate the small bats separately from the large species. 

2017 - 5 years Batstation Bat Conservation Team Friends of the Earth Germany Hannover

Das Bild zeigt verschiedene Arbeitsbereiche der AG Fledermäuse wie Handwerk, Geländearbeit, Arbeit mit den Tieren, Infostände, Kinderaktionen, Logistik und mehr // The picture shows various working areas of the Bat Conservation Team such as handicrafts, field work, work with the animals, information stands, children's activities, logistics and more Fledermausschutz aktiv // Bat Conservation  (AG Fledermäuse BUND Region Hannover /

After many wonderful years in the old station in the forest Eilenriede, in which our first aviary for bat patients stood, it was time to "pack the suitcases", because the aviary was too small for the many patients. But where do you go with bats? Thanks to the Capital of Hanover and the former environmental department leader Hans Mönninghoff we found an old building, which could be suitable as an accommodation. When we entered the new property for the first time, there was no light, no water, no drains, no doors, and the window holes were closed with boards. But - we had a lot of imagination and really no choice. So it was time to start! The then not even 10 people strong Bat team started despite all concerns "You'll never make it!". The bats came to a temporary winter quarter where they were taken care of daily, while we also took care of the expansion of the new bat center and its financing. With the help of the company "Around the house" we tirelessly built on the aviaries. At least the area for the animals, initially 200 m², should be ready in the Spring 2012 and all official permits must be there at that time. And so it was! In March 2012, the bat center opened the doors for the animals. But we were not done yet! We were still carrying water in canisters up the stairs. But we were not deterred. We continued and that not only on the construction, because more and more bat friends came along and helped us. The team became stronger and stronger. Unfortunately, we also had to say goodbye to our former biologist and co-founder of the bat center Elke Mühlbach and our hard-working activist Rüdiger Klose we have lost forever due to illness. Both of them could not ever see the Bat Center, but we will continue to fight for the bats.
Meanwhile, the bat center is further expanded. Various functional rooms were completed, a medical treatment room, another aviary, a workshop and a large flight training room were added.
Today the team counts about 50 activists and 20 supporters. We participate in various events, give lectures and cooperate with the School Biology Center Hannover in environmental education. Countless bat patients have come to our station so far, most of them are already healthy wild and free back in nature.

At this point, we would like to thank all those who have made the dream of the bat center come true. First and foremost, there are our many activists, some of them are daily and tirelessly in action for the animals - but there are you, too, who donate, share our postings or have adopted bats. There are also our big supporters such as the Capital Hannover, the Region Hanover, the BINGO environmental foundation, AbInBev, bat foundation, and there are also the companies that are volunteering for us, like Lagershausen safety technology and fire protection Berge and the companies, who set up donation boxes or donate part of the sales proceed of certain products to us. And we also thank all the hard-working helpers in the background, whose individual contributions can not all be listed.

We wish you a merry Christmas and all the best for 2018
AG bats
BUND Hannover Region

We are there - every day and on a voluntary basis! 

Don't miss our review 2017 on youtube :-)

We say Thank You

our volunteers and supporters (permanent support)

Bingo Umweltstiftung

Landeshauptstadt Hannover (permanent support )

Lagershausen Sicherheitstechnik und Schlüsseldienst (permanent support ) 

Brandschutz Berge (permanent support )  

Region Hannover 

Stiftung Fledermaus


Die Zeichnung ist eine Collage aus verschiedenen Logos unserer Unterstützer // The picture is a collage of the logos of our supporters DANKE // THANK YOU  (AG Fledermäuse BUND Region Hannover /

Elke Mühlbach

Das Foto zeigt ein Straßenschild am Weg zur Eilenriede beim Döhrener Turm. Auf dem Schild steht Elke Mühlbach Weg // the photo shows a sign at the way to the Eilenriede Forest near Döhrener Turm, the name on the sign is Elke Mühlbach Way Straßenschild am Weg zur Eilenriede beim Döhrener Turm // Sign at the way to the Eilenriede Forest near Döhrener Turm  (Gudrun Becker /

Elke Mühlbach passed away due to a serious illness in May 2012 - she was decisively involved in the planning and founding of the BUND Bat Station Hannover. The city of Hanover honored her tireless dedication to bats and nature with a path named after her. 

Found a bat - get help!

click here

Take Action for bats!

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, er sagt zu dir Take Action! Werde aktiv für den Fledermausschutz! //  The drawing shows BUNDchen bat, he says to you Take Action! Get active for bat protection! click here

Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees

Das Foto zeigt einen großen grünen Baum // The photo shows a big green tree click here

Bats on Facebook

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus mit Handy // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat with cellphone click here

Bats on Instagram

click here

Bats on Youtube

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus auf der Bühne // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat on stage click here

Bats on Twitter

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, der Zeitung liest // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat who is reading the newspaper click here
Das Foto zeigt eine Kleinabendseglerin mit dem Text Ich bin ein Wesen der Nacht. Hast du je an mich gedacht? Ich bin klein und unscheinbar, und bin doch so wunderbar. Kleinabendsegler Nyctalus leisleri  (Gudrun Becker /
Das Foto zeigt einen Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula im Porträt // The photo shows a nyctalus noctula in profile Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula  (Gudrun Becker /

„The future should not be foreseen but made possible.“ (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)  
