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NEWS - here you find the latest news of our Project:

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Warm Winter in the medical station

Wasserfledermaus // Myotis daubentonii bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Many of our bat patients need medical treatment during the Winter. For this reason, they cannot go into protected hibernation. Of course, the animals are also offered something to do. This Myotis daubentonii bat has discovered a wooden ball to climb on.



Bat survived cat attack

Breitflügelfledermaus // Eptesicus serotinus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Eptesicus serotinus bat survived an attack by a cat. The sanious wounds have been treated by our vet. The chances of a full recovery are very good.

Please do not hesitate

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat only survived by chance. Unfortunately, the finders waited several days before handing the bat over to professional help. Often, when animals are found (of all species!), quick and professional help is necessary to ensure the animal's survival. The bat is now in our care and on the mend. 

Happy new Year

BUNDchen Fledermaus bringt Glück // BUNDchen bat brings good luck  (Carina Bach /

Please watch out for injured animals on New Year's Day!

verletzte Fledermaus // injured bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Please pay particular attention to injured animals on New Year's Day, for example under vehicles, in dark corners, under bushes. Injured animals try to find cover. If possible, take a cloth bag, gloves and a cloth with you on your New Year's walk so that you can rescue animals immediately in an emergency.

Here you find help:

Please do not use firecrackers and fireworks

Graues Langohr // Plecotus austriacus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Firecrackers and fireworks scare bats in town and country. In addition, there is the smell of burning, which signals danger to the animals. The animals warm up in panic from deep hibernation and spend much energy. As the animals find no food in Winter, they can starve at the end of Winter due to a lack the energy.

Various sleeping places

Großer Abendsegler // Nyctalus noctula bats  (Dr. Renate Keil /

There are various types of sleeping places in our station, bat boxes, tree bark, cozy places and more. The animals can freely choose which places they prefer. Two Nyctalus noctula bats have chosen a cozy sleeping place. Unfortunately, they did not manage to be released into the wild before Winter because they are still receiving medical treatment. In Spring the training for the releases into the wild will begin again.

Merry Christmas!

Frohe Weihnachten // Merry Christmas  (Carina Bach /

Time for hibernation

Wasserfledermaus // Myotis daubentonii bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis daubentonii bat has reached his hibernation weight and now it's time for hibernation. He spends this time protected in our station in the cool hibernation area. In Spring he will then start flight training for the release into the wild.

Our new detector module - we say THANK YOU!

Echo Meter  (Dr. Renate Keil /

With the donations we received we were able to buy a new detector module. This flexible detector allows us to use it in a variety of ways in our work. We would like to thank you very much for your donations!

Rescued from the sink

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat was rescued from a sink. She is unharmed and is now recovering in our station. In bat emergencies, quick help is crucial:

Review 2024 - a year with many emergencies

Wasserfledermaus // Myotis daubentonii bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

The year 2024 started on January 4th 2024 with the first bat emergencies. During the year, we have received 714 animals, many of them have already been released back into the wild in good health. Among the patients this year were six Myotis bechsteinii bats, a species of bats that was previously only very rarely found in the Hannover area. Two Myotis dasycneme bats were also among the found animals.

One bat brought a strange companion with her to the station, a small snail had hidden herself in the bat's fur. We were shocked by an emergency call that a bat had become caught in a glue trap and was disposed of in the trash with the adhesive tape. Fortunately, the bat was found and could be rescued.

In many cases, it has been shown again that time plays a major role. For many bats, it is vital to receive professional help immediately.

This year, the Winter quarters for Myotis daubentonii bats, built in 2023 with the help of the Regina Hoppe and Thomas Behncke Foundation, went into operation for the first time.

We are very pleased about the large number of new active members in our care team. Unfortunately, we also had to say goodbye to one of our most active members, Margarete Becker, who left us forever at the age of 85.

In addition to the work surrounding our bat patients, we were again to be found at many events with our information booth. We were very pleased to receive an invitation to the Summer festival to mark the 20th anniversary of the Eilenriede Forest Station in the state capital of Hannover. We also celebrated the European Bat Night with a large bat festival together with the Hannover School Biology Center - an event where young and old people could find out more about bats and take part in activities. New to the program was the BINGO event by the Bingo Environmental Foundation on nature, where we made an interesting contribution on the topic of bats together with the Hannover School Biology Center.

Our veterinarian trained several volunteer fire departments in how to deal with bats so that the emergency services can rescue bats professionally. We would especially like to thank the Hannover professional fire department, which, among other things, uses the animal rescue vehicle for our little bat patients.

At the "We're fed up" demonstrations in Berlin and "Save the Leinemasch" in Hannover, we brought our demands for the bats to the streets in a visible way.

All of these activities would not be possible without our great team, who all work voluntarily for the bats, the support of the state capital of Hannover, the support of Lagershausen Security service and the donations we receive. We would like to thank you very much for this valuable support!

You can help the bats in many different ways - donations / sponsorships / online shopping via Gooding at no extra cost, sharing our information and more - please click here:

We wish you a wonderful Christmas and all the best for 2025 - please stay connected with us next year, too.

Advent Action!

Betterplace increases donations by 15% - this promotion applies to all donations received on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th Advent via:

Recovery after a shoulder injury

Breitflügelfledermaus // Eptesicus serotinus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Eptesicus serotinus bat, named Brummel, had a shoulder injury. After treatment, it is now time to recover until flight training begins after hibernation. Then he will be released back into the wild.


Well hidden, fortunately seen

Breitflügelfledermaus // tesicus serotinus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Eptesicus serotinus bat flew into a hallway and hid behind a lamp. She is now being nursed back to health and will be released back into the wild after the Winter.

Bat will survive

Kleine Bartfledermaus // Myotis mystacinus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis mystacinus bat reached us completely emaciated and dehydrated. Without the attention of the finders who brought the animal to us, the bat would not have survived.


Winter quarters were lost

Rauhautfledermaus // Pipistrellus nathusii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This male Pipistrellus nathusii bat has lost its winter quarters. During the renovation of a house, he was sitting between two boards. Fortunately, he was detected and rescued by the construction workers. The examination by our veterinarian showed that the bat was unharmed. However, he has lost his winter quarters for the time while the construction work continues. The male can therefore spend the Winter in our station in protected hibernation until he will be released back into the wild at the site where he was found in the Spring.

What is that?

Zwergfledermaus mit Schnecke // Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat with snail  (Dr. Renate Keil /

No, that's not a tick! This Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat actually came to the station with a small snail in the fur. The snail wasn't the reason for coming to us, but we've never had a visitor like that before.

Myotis mystacinus bat with impact trauma

This Myotis mystacinus bat came to us with impact trauma. The bat is already on the mend, but it will still take some time before she is healthy again. The bat will definitely stay in our station this Winter.

Eptesicus serotinus bat saved

Breitflügelfledermaus // Eptesicus serotinus bat  (Finder /

The Eptesicus serotinus bat is one of the largest bat species in Lower Saxony. The body length is 6 to 8 cm. Perhaps his size was the reason why this male was found at all. He was hanging at the very bottom of a house wall. His fur was very dirty and the animal was emaciated. He is now recovering in our station.

Quick medical treatment after contact with cat

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

A cat carried this Plecotus auritus bat to its owners. So that the bat could immediately receive the right medical treatment, he was taken directly to our vet. Medical treatment of the bat is always necessary after contact with a cat.

Children save a bat

Bechsteinfledermaus // Myotis bechsteinii bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Children found this Myotis bechsteinii bat on the ground in a playground. Following our instructions on the website, they rescued the animal and brought the bat to us. The bat was very emaciated, but is now stable again. However, he will have to spend the Winter in our station.

3 days motionless on the wall

Große Bartfledermaus // Myotis brandtii bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis brandtii bat hung motionless at a house wall for three days, and on the fourth day he was lying on the ground. Luckily, the house owners noticed the emergency as the animal was now on the ground and brought the bat to our station. The bat is unharmed. He is now being thoroughly examined to find the cause. Meanwhile the bat is on the mend.

Bicycle as an ambulance

Fransenfledermaus // Myotis nattereri bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis nattereri bat was found in a garden. Her condition was critical as she was very emaciated. The person who found the bat didn't hesitate for a second and took the bat to our vet on the bike. Thanks to the quick help, the bat survived and will be released back into the wild next Spring.

Bat interrupts shopping trip

Fransenfledermaus // Myotis nattereri bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis nattereri bat was lying helpless and emaciated in the middle of the city center. It is a busy shopping area. Nevertheless, the little animal was discovered on the ground and rescued. She is now recovering in our station.


Danger wood stacks and firewood

Some bats like to sit in piles of wood. Please lift logs carefully upwards instead of pulling them out. This can prevent serious injuries to bats. Before you put the wood in the fireplace, please check carefully that no bat gets with the wood into the fireplace. More information:


Reinigungsgeräte // Cleaning Equipment  (Gudrun Becker /

Thank you very much for the donations for our bats. This time we were able to buy some cleaning equipment with part of the donation money. However, we have to re-plan some of the money because our large refrigerator combination for the medicines and vegetables is broken and we urgently need a replacement. So the additional donation money will be used for a refrigerator combination. Thank you for being able to get a replacement so quickly thanks to your donations.

Tiergartenfestival Hannover 2024

Tiergartenfest Hannover 2024  (Silke Schrader /

At the Tiergartenfestival 2024 in Hannover, there was once again a huge crowd at our stand. Many people got information about bat protection and prejudices were also broken down.

Vespertilio murinus bat says goodbye

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Vespertilio murinus bat is one of more than 370 bats that we have been able to release back into the wild in good health this year. How can you help bats? Just click here – there are many different options:

Speed pays off

Bechsteinfledermaus // Myotis bechsteinii bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

It was only because the person who found the bat reacted very quickly and did not hesitate to call our emergency number and take the bat to our vet that this Myotis bechsteinii bat was saved. She was very weak. Now she is on the mend.

It could have been worse

Wasserfledermaus // Myotis daubentonii bat  (Dr. Renate Keil / )

This Myotis daubentonii bat fell from a garage door. Luckily,he got away with a bruise only. The bones are not broken. The bat will soon be able to fly freely again.

Found in the basement

Rauhhautfledermaus // Pipistrellus nathusii bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus nathusii bat was found in the basement. Judging by her condition, she had been locked up there for several days. The bat is now recovering in our station. Its circulation is stable again, and the animal is now being nursed back to health.

A long trip

Fransenfledermaus // Myotis nattereri bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis nattereri bat was found in Hannover. The finders initially took the animal with them to organize help from their home, which was 40 km away. They reached our emergency number and immediately set off on the 40 km journey back to Hannover to bring the animal to our vet. Thank you very much for this commitment!

Unfortunately, help came too late

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Unfortunately, the fire department was called too late. Although the fire brigade arrived quickly and took the bat to our vet, there was no chance for the moribund pipistrellus pipistrellus bat.

In an emergency, every minute counts:

Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat rescued from glue trap

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Another emergency that was saved at the last moment. This Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat was stuck to a glue trap and was very emaciated. It is unimaginable what suffering this animal must have gone trouth. The bat is now in our station and on the mend. Please, refrain from using glue traps of any kind!

Rescue came just in time

Kleine Bartfledermaus // Myotis mystacinus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis mystacinus bat was rescued from a warehouse just in time. Based on her condition, it is assumed that she had been locked up there for days. Luckily, she was finally noticed and the staff brought the bat to our station. She is now on the mend and will soon be able to be released back into the wild.

Dangerous transport box

gefährliche Transportbox // dangerous transport box  (Dr. Renate Keil /

When transporting bats, the boxes must only have very small air holes. To do this, use a fork to poke small holes in the lid of a box, then place the animal in the box with a cloth and close the lid tightly so that the bat cannot escape. Boxes with slits (for example boxes for small animals) are unsuitable because the bat can stick the wing through the slits and this can lead to broken bones. (In this case, the bat was lucky and our vet was able to open the lid properly and the wing remained intact.)

European Batnight Hannover 2024

Europäische Nacht der Fledermäuse Hannover 2024 // European Batnight Hannover 2024  (Rose Pettit /

The European Night of Bats was a great success. Despite the heat, many people came and found out more about bat conservation. There were many great activities for children on the topic of bats and nature.

Endless emergencies

Fledermauseinflug // Bats in a house  (Dr. Renate Keil /

We have been working at full speed for weeks to rescue, care for and release bats back into the wild. This year, in addition to the "normal" emergencies, we have a large number of bats flying into homes. Please support the bats and make many people aware of the dangers to the animals around the house:


Fly traps harm bats

Fledermäuse in einer Klebefalle // Bats in a glue trap  (Dr. Renate Keil /

When bats flew into a house, they got stuck on the glue traps and our vet was only with great effort able to free them. Glue traps outside or in buildings with good entry points for bats and birds, such as stables, barns, etc., are even more dangerous.


Death traps for bats and other animals

Blumentopf als Todesfalle // flower pot as a death trap  (Finder der Tiere / /

There are many death traps for bats and other animals around the house and in the garden. Flower pots, watering places, rain barrels, watering cans and much more can become a path of no return for animals. They die in an agonizing struggle. Please help the animals and remove death traps for animals. Please inform neighbors and friends so that the information reaches as many people as possible.

Weakened bats

Kleine Bartfledermaus // Myotis mystacinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This year we are seeing a particularly large number of weakened bats. What to do if you find a weakened bat, click here:

To help bats, please click here:

Bat on glue trap thrown in the trash

Fledermaus auf Klebefalle // Bat on Glue Trap  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This bat was stuck to a glue trap and thrown in the trash. An attentive finder noticed her wriggling in the trash and rescued the pipistrellus pipistrellus bat. Severely dehydrated and sticky, the bat has now arrived at our station and is recovering from this terrible experience. It will take some time until she is fully recovered.

Many young bats and babies

Kleinabendsegler // Nyctalus leisleri  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Many orphaned and completely weakened bat juveniles and babies have been arriving at our station for some time now. Many have already been successfully released into the wild with the protected release. Other animals are still being cared for at the station. Release of orphaned young bats:


Weakened mother

geschwächte Fledermausmutter // weakened batmother  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This bat has active udders, so she must have a baby or recently have had one. She was found very weak below the nursery roost. A dead baby was found inside the nursery roost. It may be her baby, that would at least prevent another baby from being without a mother. What to do if a bat is found:

Save the date

Batnight // Nacht der Fledermäuse 2024  (Rose Pettit /

The European Night of the Bats will also be celebrated in Hanover. The banner is already hanging at the venue. Further information:




Bingo Veranstaltung // Bingo Event  (Anna Meyer /

At the Bingo Environmental Foundation's event, there was not only a lecture but also interesting bat models to explore - bat games were offered for the kids. On August 24, 2024, this offer will also be available at the Batnight in the Hannover School Biology Center. In addition, a bat tour and many other information booths and activities await you at the Batnight:

Storm, thunderstorm, severe weather, flood

Sturmregen  (Margarete Becker /

ATTENTION!!! Severe weather is also a great danger for animals! Please pay attention to animals in need of help during and after severe weather.

Small animals such as bats, songbirds and the like are not immediately visible, so please be attentive. Fallen trees and damage to buildings and roofs can also affect bat habitats.

Animals in trouble need quick help!

Please refrain from flood tourism during floods! Small areas of land are often the last place of safety for wild animals. Please keep a wide distance so that the animals do not flee into the water. Please report animals trapped by water to the local animal rescue service or fire department.

You can find quick help here:

Summer Festival 20 years of Waldstation

Sommerfest 20 Jahre Waldstation 2024 // Summer Festival 20 years Waldstation 2024  (Lisa Laage-Smidt /

Our booth at the summer festival 20 years of Waldstation Hannover Eilenriede. You are welcome to come by until 5 p.m. (June 16, 2024) - admission is free! We would like to thank the State Capital of Hannover for the invitation.

Hungry and thirsty

Kleine Bartfledermaus // Myotis mystacinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Many bats come to the station hungry and thirsty. This Myotis mystacinus bat was also lucky that she was found in time, although she was very weak. She is now doing well again and will soon be released back into the wild.

Many weakened bats

Breitflügelfledermaus // Eptesicus serotinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This beautiful female Eptesicus serotinus bat is just one of many bats that are currently arriving at our station weakened. What to do if you find a bat can be found here:

Back to freedom

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

The release of our recovered bat patients into the wild is already in full swing. Almost 50 bats have already left our station this year. More animals will follow soon.

Look how cold it is

Kleine Bartfledermaus // Myotis mystacinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis mystacinus bat was hanging on the outside thermometer at our vet's house. Apparently she wanted to say that it's far too cold outside to hunt because there aren't enough insects flying. We very much hope that the temperatures will finally get warmer and that the bats will have a good chance for hunting insects.

We say goodbye

Margarete Becker  (

Since 2009 Margarete Becker has been working for the bats every day. Unfortunately, she recently passed away at the age of 85. She was still active in bat care until two days before her death. We will miss one of our most active members very much. All that's left for us to do is saying THANK YOU for everything she's done for the bats. Since Margarete Becker was also artistically active, some photos of her works continue to form our website.

Keep your fingers crossed

Fransenfledermaus // Myotis nattereri bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

During the day, this female Myotis nattereri bat hung open and very underweight on a house wall. Without help, she certainly wouldn't have been able to have and raise a baby in about 8 weeks. She now has to get fit very quickly so that she can get to her nursery roost on time.

Happy Easter

2 Myotis dasycneme bats in one week

Teichfledermaus // Myotis dasycneme bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

In one week 2 Myotis dasycneme bats came to our station. The first animal was found floating in the Maschsee pond and rescued by two girls. The bat has a chemical burn on the tip of its ear with attachments of construction foam. The second bat was found in Hannover Central Station. Luckily she is uninjured.

New donation account

We have changed our bank details, the new bank details are: Donation account: Account holder: BUND Bat Center Hannover

IBAN: DE80 3702 0500 0020 1676 11


Credit institution: Bank for Social Economy Intended

 designated use: BATS

Of course you can still donate via Paypal:


Thank you for your support!

2 days full of desperation

Zwergfledermaus // pipistrellus pipistrellus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This pipistrellus pipistrellus bat lay at the entrance to a house for two days without the residents paying any attention to her. Finally an animal-loving lady came and brought the animal safely to our station. Severely weakened, she is now being nursed up.

A garden for bats

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Do you already have an idea of how you would like to design your garden? Please also think about the bats – thank you very much


Great bat fan items from the Ukraine Bat Reahbilitation Center

Ukrainian Bat Rehabilitation Center  (

Please support the Ukraine Bat Reahbilitation Center, who continue to help bats every day under the most difficult conditions. They save the lives of around 5000 animals every year. Take a look at the fan shop. You can easily order by email:

You are also welcome to donate:

Thank you for your support!

It still takes time

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Vespertilio murinus bat also has to be patient before releases start in Spring. The weather is currently too wet and cold, so that our patients cannot yet set off for freedom.

Bat rescued from roof renovation

Breitflügelfledermaus // Eptesicus serotinus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Luckily, this Eptesicus serotinus bat was spotted and rescued during a roof renovation. A small abrasion is treated with ointment and he can go back into the wild in Spring. When renovating buildings, please pay attention to possible bat roosts:

Since more and more roost options are being lost due to renovations, the bats are very happy about new ones:

Vespertilio murinus bat dead

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil / )

The Vespertilio murinus bat was found in a building. Unfortunately he arrived at our station too late and could not be saved. Unfortunately, not every rescue operation ends successfully.

ears up

Fransenfledermaus // Myotis nattereri bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

The Myotis nattereri bat recovered well. She is now curiously exploring her surroundings. She will be among the first bats to be released into the wild in Spring. The ring will be removed before release into the wild. It is used within our station for identification so that every animal can be released back into the wild at the correct location where it was found.

Myotis nattereri bat saved

Fransenfledermaus // Myotis nattereri bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis nattereri bat was hanging on the outside of a building in the cold. Many people carelessly passed by the animal, only one attentive child became concerned and informed the parents. They reacted immediately and took the bat to our veterinarian. The bat is severely underweight, which is not immediately apparent at first glance or in a photo due to its thick fur. This case once again confirms that photo diagnoses for bats can lead to incorrect assessments.

Bat lessons in Burgwedel

Patenschaftsurkunden  (Gudrun Becker /

This year three classes at Burgwedel High School were taught by our vet Dr. Keil in bat conservation and the correct behavior when bats fly into houses. The children were excited and thanked us with three sponsorships for bat protection.

Plüti at „We are fed up 2024“

Plüti bei Wir haben es satt 2024  (Gudrun Becker /

Today Plüti was at the demonstration “We’re fed up - 2024”in Berlin. He asks you: Please, buy organic and help insects, birds and bats. Here are some impressions.

You want to help bats?

Seriously injured bat is fit again

Mückenfledermaus // Pipistrellus pygmaeus  (Dr. Renate Keil / )

11 weeks ago this bat came to our station seriously injured. Now she has recovered. Flight training is carried out diligently until spring and then she heads back to freedom.


Wing has healed

Breitflügelfledermaus // Eptesicus serotinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Eptesicus serotinus bat had an open forearm fracture and flight membrane damage. Both were treated and have healed again. Now it's off to flight training and then back to freedom.

Take Action!

Graues Langohr // Plecotus austriacus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Please take a look at our “Take Action” page - there we have many activities that you can take part in online and that don't cost a cent! And there are also many practical tips on how you can easily eliminate dangers for bats around the house!

Please pay attention to injured animals!

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, der als geschwächte Fledermaus von Menschen gerettet wird und im Handschuh einen geborgenen Platz gefunden hat. The drawing shows BUNDchen Fledermaus, who is rescued as a weakened bat by humans and has found a safe place in a glove. BUNDchen Fledermaus wird gerettet // BUNDchen bat got rescued  (Carina Bach /

Please watch out for injured animals in the next few days - especially in corners/bushes and the like.

Help for bats:

Happy New Year

Das Foto zeigt einen Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula im Porträt // The photo shows a nyctalus noctula in profile Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula  (Gudrun Becker /

Please do not use firecrackers and fireworks

Firecrackers and fireworks scare bats in town and country. In addition, there is the smell of burning, which signals danger to the animals. The animals warm up in panic from deep hibernation and spend much energy. As the animals find no food in Winter, they can starve at the end of Winter due to a lack the energy.

Our advice: Please do not use firecrackers and fireworks.

Merry Christmas

Frohe Weihnachten // Merry Christmas  (Carina Bach /

We wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you so much for your support.


A Christmas Miracle

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This morning, when our vet wanted to go out on the terrace to feed the birds, a Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat was sitting in the doormat. The bat urgently needed help and made her way to our vet on her own. This is not the first time that bats in need of help have made their way to our veterinarian. Something similar happened in Switzerland many years ago, when 99 Nyctalus noctula bats landed on a balcony of a bat-rescuer in the middle of a big city. Due to the splinter injuries, it was clear that they had apparently escaped from a felled tree. More interesting facts about the life of bats:

False alarm or a break-in?

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil / )

For two nights, the motion detector kept alerting in an apartment, seemingly for no reason. Then the cause was found. There was a bat in the apartment. She was found when she chose the electrics of a rice pot as a place to sleep. She was quickly brought to our vet along with the electrical module in the box. Now the pipistrellus pipistrellus bat is free and can recover from her adventure.


Annual report 2023 - 1st place for the bats

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This year the bats were able to celebrate a very special event. The BUND Bat Center Hannover achieved first place in the Bingo Environmental Foundation Lower Saxony's volunteer award. We are very happy about this recognition! We work for the animals every day and we do so on a voluntary basis. Just over 5000 bats have already reached our station, and many animals have been released back into the wild in good health. Unfortunately, we were not able to help all the animals because some bats were so weakened or badly injured that they either reached us dead or treatment was no longer possible. There are around 200 bats on the station at all times, which are cared for and trained by our veterinarian and a care team of around 25 people. Thanks to the Regina Hoppe and Thomas Behncke Foundation, we were able to build a new roost at the BUND Bat Center in Hanover for bat patients who need protected hibernation. We were also active again in public relations. In addition to countless individual consultations, school classes could also be taught again. The Hannover professional fire department and the children's group from the Sehnde volunteer fire department also received training in bat rescue. The lecture hall of the Hannover University of Veterinary Medicine was attended by our veterinarian Dr. Renate Keil filled to the last place. We take part in various events, including the Lower Saxony Orchard Days and Halloween in Vahrenheider Hood for the first time this year. The very good cooperation with the State capital of Hannover continued hand in hand, for example with the Department of Environment and Urban Greenery in the release of Myotis bechsteinii bats in the Eilenriede, the release in the bat quarters of the Herrenhausen Gardens, in numerous rescue operations by the Hannover professional fire department and other cooperation with the Department of Environment and Urban Greenery and the Department of Economics. We would like to thank the State capital of Hanover very much for this wonderful cooperation. And next year we are planning a very special highlight with the Hannover School Biology Center: After a long Corona break, we will be celebrating the Night of the Bats on August 24th, 2024.

The bats would like to thank the many volunteers, some of whom work for the bats every day. We would also like to thank our sponsors and supporters and also the many people who share our posts on social media and make a significant contribution to bat protection by spreading the information.

We would be very happy if you would also make a donation to the bat center in Kharkiv / Ukraine. Every euro helps to save the bats even under the difficult circumstances:


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Attention nesting boxes for birds!

Fledermaus im Vogelnistkasten // bat in bird nesting box  (Anja Rolf)

Bird nesting boxes can become a death trap for bats! If the walls are not sufficiently rough on the inside, bats, which often choose bird boxes as shelter, can no longer get out of the box and are trapped. Please make sure that the nest box walls are sufficiently roughened. (Quelle und Foto: Anja Rolf)

Finally there!

Fledermaus bricht aus Transportbox aus // Bat escapes out of a transport box  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This bat couldn't wait to finally get to our vet after being transported. That just went well again! If she had climbed out of the box while driving, the entire vehicle would have had to be searched for the bat. Please close transport boxes well and look out for holes on the sides, especially with shoe boxes. Before you insert the animal, pierce with a fork a few air holes in the box so that the bat gets enough fresh air but cannot escape. Please label the box stating that there is a bat inside and with the destination address and the telephone number of the bat emergency number. In the hopefully unlikely event of an accident, the rescue workers can respond and rescue the animal and take it to the vet. This marking is useful for all animal transport.

New hibernation place in the BUND bat center in Hannover

Winterschlafquartier // Hibernation roost  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Thanks to the Regina Hoppe and Thomas Behncke Foundation, we were able to build another roost in the BUND Bat Center Hannover for bat patients who need protected hibernation. We thank the foundation very much for this support. The first patients will soon be able to use this area.

Plots for our public relations work

Schaubilder // plots  (Gudrun Becker /

With a little bit of handicraft work, these beautiful plots were created for our public relations work. From 2024 on we will use them for events and lectures.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Halloween at Vahrenheider Hood

Halloween Vahrenheider Hood 2023  (Susanne Klüting /

The bats also celebrated Halloween at the Halloween festival at Vahrenheider Hood with an information booth of the Hannover bat center. Both young and old could see that bats are nothing to be afraid of.d.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Little bat does not give up!

Mückenfledermaus // pipistrellus pygmaeus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

In the middle of Hanover's large Maschsea, a male pipistrellus pygmaeus bat was fighting for his life. Luckily, two pedal boaters spotted him in the water and rescued him. At the same time, they alerted the Hanover fire department, who took the completely exhausted bat to our veterinarian. The animal is now recovering in our station. How the bat got into the Maschsea is unclear. Thanks to the attentive people and a bat that didn't give up, the animal will survive and be able to return to freedom after recovery.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Hubertus Festival Day 2

Hubertusfest Wisentgehege Springe 2023  (Matthias Woithe /

Today was the last day oft he Hubertus Festival at the deer park Springe. So now our event-season 2023 is finished. We have one more event at Halloween, where we take part with a small information booth, but that is not a public event.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals 

Bat gets lost in the Hanover Service Center

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

A Plecotus auritus bat got lost in the Hanover Service Center at the driving license authority of the state capital of Hanover. The employees discovered the animal hanging on the wall and immediately informed our bat emergency number. The bat was already dehydrated. The quick action of the authorities saved the bat’s life. She is currently in our bat station and is already on the mend. The bat has the ring only as long as she is on station with us. We ring the bats so that each animal can be identified and given the correct treatment/training and release location. The ring will be removed before releasing back into the wild.


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Thank You Betterplace Donors

DANKE Betterplace // Thank you Betterplace  (Gudrun Becker /

Thanks to Betterplace and everyone who donated for us there. We were able to print a lot of new flyers and information cards for our many events as well as purchase the great puzzle blocks for children. Thank you very much for this wonderful support!

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Tattered wing on a bat has almost completely healed

Flügelverletzung heilt // wing injury on the mend  (Dr. Renate Keil /

The tattered wing of this cat victim is healing very well. The dark spots are necrotic and will be replaced by healthy dermal tissue by the body. Flutter training could begin after just 2 weeks. In a few months it will be able to fly again, even if the fingertip is missing. Plecotus bats can compensate for this very well with a little practice.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

1st Lower Saxony meadow with fruit trees days

1. Niedersächsische Streuobstwiesentage Peine 2023  (Silke Schrader / )

Our booth at the 1st Lower Saxony meadow with fruit trees days in Peine.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Hannover Animalpark Festival 2023

Tiergartenfst Hannover 2023  (Gudrun Becker /

Our booth at the Hannover Animalpark Festival was very well attended from the first to the last minute. Even the heavy rain at times was no obstacle for the many visitors to continue taking part in the festival.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Get a good night's sleep first

Graues Langohr // Plecotus austriacus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

In our station the bats can sleep without worry and recover. Sleep is also an important factor in recovery.


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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Everything will be fine

Mückenfledermaus // Pipistrellus pygmaeus  (Dr. Renate Keil / )

This male Pipistrellus pygmaeus bat came to our station severely weakened. He flew into a building and got lost there. He has now recovered very well and will soon fly back into freedom.


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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

For the conservation of the Leinemasch Hannover

Demo Leinemasch bleibt! Hannover 01.10.2023  (Gudrun Becker /

Today there was a big demonstration for the conservation of the Leinemasch Hannover against the widening of the highway and the felling of trees. Members of the FOE BUND Bat Center Hannover and Plüti were also there. Please sign the petition to save the Leinemasch:

Please, share – Thank you!


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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals #Leinemaschbleibt #Hannover

Attention tree fellings!

The season for tree felling and tree care begins again on October 1st. Please pay attention to our information on bat roosts in trees! Bat roosts can also be in very small/thin trees!

Please share the information!

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals #Bäume #Trees

1st place for the bats

Bingo Urkunde  (Dr. Renate Keil /

The BUND Bat Center Hannover as an institution of the BUND Landesverband Niedersachsen e.V. got the first place in the volunteer award of the Bingo Environmental Foundation Lower Saxony. We are so happy for this recognition! We work for the animals every day and we do so on a voluntary basis. You can find out more about our work here

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Short stopover

Wasserfledermaus // Myotis daubentonii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis daubentonii bat was found on the ground and came to our station. There she immediately discovered mealworms and pounced on the food bowl. Completely full, she fell asleep in the food bowl. After she had had a good night's sleep and the parasites had been eliminated, she was put into training and was released back into the wild a few days later.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Be careful with parasols!

Fledermaus im Sonnenschirm // Bat in a parasol  (Anja Daniels /

Please be careful of bats when opening parasols. Many bats choose the parasol as their sleeping quarters. Open parasols slowly and carefully. Small droppings at the foot of the parasol can also be an indication  


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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Attention – bats found in hot weather

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

If you find bats in high heat, it is very important that the animals have some water to drink. Take the bat with a cloth or glove and offer it water via a teaspoon or pipette (please make sure that the water does not drip into the nose). Then place the animal with the cloth in a box with small air holes and close it tightly. Please keep the box containing the animal indoors, not outside in the heat. Please contact a bat expert immediately:

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Over 5000 bats

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Over 5000 bats have already reached our station, and most of the animals have been released back into the wild in good health. Unfortunately, we were not able to help all the animals because some bats were so weakened or badly injured that they either reached us dead or treatment was no longer possible. There are on average 200 bats in medical care in our station, which are cared for and trained by our veterinarian and a nursing team of around 25 people. If you want to help bats:


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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Another bat in a glue trap

Fledermaus aus einer Klebefalle // bat from a glue trap  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Again reached us a bat caught in a glue trap. Please refrain from using glue traps. Please spread our information so that as many people as possible can eliminate bat death traps.


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There are many dangers for bats lurking around the house!

Breitflügelfledermaus // Eptesicus serotinus  (Gudrun Becker /

We are increasingly receiving bats that have fallen into watering cans and flower pots. Unfortunately for many animals the help came too late. There are many dangers for bats around the house. But there is also good news! You can help eliminate them! Please help and minimize the dangers for the animals in the house / front yard / garden / balcony and please share our information so that as many people as possible can get active.


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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Hard to believe!

Breitflügelfledermaus mit Knoblauch // Eptesicus serotinus with garlic  (Gudrun Becker /

It's hard to believe, the rumor has been circulating for some time that garlic helps prevent bats from entering homes... One of our bat patients clearly demonstrates that this is just nonsense. The easiest way to prevent bats from entering your home is to use a fly screen. You can read about what to do when bats are flying into apartments here:

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Glue traps – Danger for bats

Klebefallenopfer // Glue trap victim  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This bat got caught in a glue trap. Luckily she was spotted in time. Glue traps are lethal to bats! Please refrain from using glue traps. 

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Still a little shy

Graues Langohr // Plecotus austriacus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This female Plecotus austriacus bat came to our station with a wing injury. At first she was very shy, but soon she gained confidence. She were greeted with a few mealworms to eat.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Bats belong in expert hands

verstorbene Fledermaus mit Flügelbruch // dead bat with wing fracture  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This bat was initially cared for by lay people. They have certainly put a lot of effort into it, but bat care requires much expertise. When after a few days the animal finally reached us, it had unfortunately died shortly before. The wing was broken and must have caused a lot of pain. In the event of a bat emergency, please contact professional help immediately. We have compiled all information on this on our website:

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

We're still busy!

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Hardly a day goes by without a bat coming to us, sometimes even several a day. Please note our "bat found" page so that no time is lost in an emergency.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Soon she will be back to freedom

Breitflügelfledermaus // Eptesicus serotinus  (Frau Perret /

Last year this female Eptesicus serotinus bat was found by walkers and brought to our station. She had injuries to her back, probably from a raptor attack. Her injuries have now healed and the bat is now in flight training. Soon she will be back to freedom. Before being released into the wild, the bat ring will be removed to avoid injury.

In the station, the bats wear rings so that the animals can be clearly identified and receive the right treatment / training requirement.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Many babies come to our station

Fledermausbaby // Bat Baby  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Hardly a day goes by without a baby bat arriving at our station. Of course, the babies are offered to be picked up at the quarters by their mothers, but unfortunately this is not always possible. The orphaned babies are lovingly raised by hand and later they are protected released into the wild:

It is striking that almost exclusively Pipistrellus pipistrellus bats and Pipistrellus pygmaeus bats reach us and not many different species as in previous years.

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Take Action!

BUNDchen  (Carina Bach /

You would like to help bats? Click here:

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Full House!

Große Abendsegler // Nyctalus noctula  (Dr. Renate Keil /

We receive one emergency call after the next, more and more bats in need of help reach our station. It's always busy. But there is also good news, because many bats have already been released back into the wild. You can help the bats, too. Some help costs neither money nor time, see here how easy it is:

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Please don't look away!

Ringeltaube // Wood pigeon  (Gudrun Becker /

This injured wood pigeon chick was found just 3 m from the Hannover Festival Parade. Countless people carelessly walked past the helpless creatures until she were finally brought to the pigeonrescue Hannover. Please don't look away, when an animal needs help, whether it's a large animal or a small animal, please get expert help immediately.

For bats:


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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Summerfestival State Education Center for the Blind Hannover

Sommerfest Landesbildungszentrum für Blinde Hannover // Summerfestival State Education Center for the Blind Hannover  (Gudrun Becker /

Our stand at the summer festival in the state education center for the blind. Despite the heat, our stand was well attended.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Summerfestival Waldstation Eilenriede

Sommerfest / Summerfestival Waldstation Eilenriede 2023  (Lilly Perret /

Our boost at Summerfestival Waldstation Eilenriede.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals #Hannover

Hand in hand for species conservation

Auswilderung Bechsteinfledermaus // release Myotis bechsteinii  (Fachbereich Umwelt und Stadtgrün /

A Myotis bechsteinii bat was released into the wild in a bat box in Eilenriede in cooperation with the Environment and City Green Department of the State Capital of Hannover after she had been nursed back to health in the FOE Bat Center in Hannover. We would like to thank the State Capital of Hannover for this excellent cooperation for the conservation of species. For years we have been working very successfully with the State Capital of Hannover, not only with the Department of Environment and City Green, but also with the professional fire brigade in Hannover, with the Herrenhausen Gardens in Hannover, with the Department of Economics Hannover and the school biology center in Hannover.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Fallen out of the quarters

Kleine Bartfledermaus // Myotis mystacinu  (Dr. Renate Keil / )

This Myotis mystacinus bat was lying on the ground just below her roost. She was severely weakened. Unfortunately, we get a lot of such emergencies. Please help the bats, there are many ways. Many don't even cost you a cent:

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Medical help for bats, but how?

Vortrag TiHo Hannover // Lecture Tihi Hannover  (Tiho Hannover /

The lecture hall was filled to the last seat at the lecture on bats at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover. Dr. Keil informed about bats and their treatment options. We have put together some information on our website for veterinarians and bat care centers. However, most treatments are very individual, making it difficult to give general advice. In a specific case, you are welcome to contact Dr. Keil.


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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Training for the Hannover fire brigade

Schulung Berufsfeuerwehr Hannover // Training Hannover Fire Brigade  (Berufsfeuerwehr Hannover / )

The Hannover fire brigade also runs operations for bats. In order to optimally prepare the rescuers for these missions, we trained them in a seminar. The seminar met with great interest. Above all, some of our bat patients who had supported us in the training fascinated the participants. We would like to thank the Hannover fire brigade for their commitment to the animals.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Hey finally nice weather!

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This year already 32 bat patients were able to leave our station healthy and can now live their lives in freedom again. Many more patients will follow. In our archive you will find excerpts from our work:


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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Bat in the hayloft

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil / /

This pipistrellus pipistrellus bat was found in a hayloft. Luckily she is unharmed. Since she was apparently in the building for a long time, she must first be fed before she is released back into the wild.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Good luck in the casino

Wasserfledermaus // Myotis daubentonii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This bat got really lucky in the casino. Visitors noticed this Myotis daubentonii bat flying around inside the casino. We and at the same time the Hannover fire brigade were immediately alerted. Together we managed to rescue the animal and the bat is now recovering in our station. At first the bat was really thirsty.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Fire brigade saves the life of a bat!

Bechsteinfledermaus // Myotis bechsteinii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Thanks to the quick action of the Hannover fire brigade, the life of this Myotis bechsteinii bat was saved. She got lost in a building and couldn't find her way out, so she was very weak. The fire brigade quickly brought the bat to our station, where it is now being cared for.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Meyers Market Days

Meyers Markttage 2023  (Harald Schrader /

Our boost at the Meyers Market Days:

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Descent for freedom

Descent into the bat quarters in the Herrenhausen Gardens. This bat is also released into the wild there. The bat roost in the Great Garden is ideal for releasing bats who were found nearby. There are many insects in the beautiful Herrenhausen Gardens. By the way: The Herrenhausen Gardens are not only an experience for bats - just have a look:

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Auswilderung Quartier Herrenhäuser Gärten

Wing injury of a bat healed

Zwergfledermaus verheilter Flügel // Pipistrellus pipistrellus healed wing  (Dr. Renate Keil)

Probably a bird has pulled out a large piece of wing membrane inclusive a part of the metacarpal bone of this pipistrellus pipistrellus bat. Despite the missing part of the bone, the wing skin has grown back together. It doesn't always work and it takes a long time, but it's definitely worth treating. Now the bat goes into flight training to prepare for release.


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Last photo on station

Fransenfledermaus // Myotis nattereri  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This is the last photo of the Myotis nattereri bat at our station. Since yesterday she flies freely in the Herrenhausen Gardens in Hanover. Of course, the ring was removed before. We are very happy that this animal, as one of many, could be released back into the wild in good health. We wish her all the best for the future. Here you can see what you can do to secure the future of bats:

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Training of the children's group of the Sehnde fire brigade

Schulung Feuerwehr Sehnde // Training Fire Brigade Sehnde  (Kathrin Uhde /

Approx. 25 curious children from the Sehnde fire brigade were welcomed by our vet Dr. Keil for the bat seminar. They learned much about bat rescue, bat flights into houses and rescuing babies for the upcoming nursery period. We are happy about this great commitment of the children for the bats.


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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

She practices diligently

Breitflügelfledermaus // Eptesicus serotinus  (Dr. Renate Keil / )

Stretching the wings, because flight training will soon start for this Eptesicus serotinus bat, so that she can soon fly free again.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Bats on the ground

Wasserfledermaus // Myotis daubentonii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Currently, many bats are found on the ground. They are very weak. So does this Myotis daubentonii bat from downtown Hannover. She still needs to be fed up a bit and will soon be able to hunt at the Machteich again.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Releases have started!

Großer Abendsegler // Nyctalus noctula  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Finally good weather! Now the first bat patients have been released back into the wild in good health. We wish them all the best! Take care of the future of bats with one click:

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Committed people!

Wasserfledermaus Exsikkose // Myotis daubentonii Exsiccoses  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Some bats are lucky in their misfortune and are found by dedicated people. The finders of this bat did not hesitate and drove more than 80 km each way to bring the animal to our vet. At home they will also install a bat box. We thank people with so much commitment.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

bat with barotrauma

Zwergfledermaus mit Barotrauma // pipistrellus pipistrellus with barotrauma  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This pipistrellus pipistrellus bat came to our ward as an emergency with barotrauma. The exact cause is unknown. Barotrauma injuries can occur, for example, when bats get too close to wind turbines or are exposed to the negative pressure of being run over by a car between the tires.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

The house lives

2 Zwergfledermäuse // 2 pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

These two pipistrellus pipistrellus bats were found in a window gap during renovation work. Luckily, both were unharmed. When modifying buildings, please note that a building can offer numerous roosting opportunities for bats.

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Thank you betterplace!

Mikroskop // Microscope  (Gudrun Becker /

Many thanks to the dear donors at Betterplace. Thanks to the donations we were able to buy this microscope for our vet. More about our project at Betterplace:

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Myotis nattereri bat completely emaciated

Fransenfledermaus // Myotis nattereri  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis nattereri bat came to our station completely emaciated. But this time help came in time. Many bats have great difficulty finding food and suitable quarters. You can help the animals, many ways of helping are even completely free of cost, please click here:

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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Fast help can save lives

Fransenfledermaus verstorben // Myotis nattereri dead  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Again a Myotis nattereri bat came to us too late, unfortunately there was nothing we could do for her except determine her death. Please watch out for helpless bats and don't hesitate to help:


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#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

No chance despite quick help

Fransenfledermaus verstorben // Myotis nattereri dead  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Unfortunately we have another sad case. This Myotis nattereri bat died on the way to our station. As you can see, this animal is clearly emaciated. Unfortunately, our vet could only diagnose the death.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Weakened bat dies upon arrival

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Unfortunately, this pipistrellus pipistrellus bat no longer lived . She died upon arrival in our station. The animal was so weak that she could no longer be transported, even though the finder drove off immediately. Currently, many animals are severely weakened after hibernation.


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE

#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Bat survives thanks to quick help

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This pipistrellus pipistrellus was found completely weakened. The finder set off immediately and brought the animal to us. Now the bat will be cared for and will soon be able to be released back to the wild again.


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Attention! Weakened Bats!

Fransenfledermaus // Myotis nattereri  (Dr. Renate Keil /

By and by the bats wake up from their hibernation. But many animals are weak and need help. Please pay attention to weakened animals in the near future. What to do if you find a bat, look here.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE

#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Desperate death struggle

verstorbene Kleine Bartfledermaus // dead Myotis mystacinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis mystacinus bat was stuck to a fly screen for 4 days. The people who saw the animal didn't know how to react until our emergency call was finally dialled. Unfortunately, any help came too late. When the bat got to us, the vet could only determine that the animal had died shortly before. We can only guess how desperate the bat must have been and what fears she had to go through in the last days of her life. Please inform yourself and others what to do if a bat is found


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Injury to a bat through sharp-edged ventilation slots

Fußverletzung // Foot injury  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Note for Bat Rescue Stations:

Please always take a close look at the feet of bats. This serious injury was caused by sharp-edged ventilation slots in a box. We hope that the toes can still be saved. You can see that the blood vessel is congested and the foot is swollen because the blood can no longer drain normally.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE

#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Soon the bat will be released back to freedom

Rauhhautfledermaus // Pipistrellus nathusii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This male Pipistrellus nathusii bat was found on the ground. The prognosis is very good and he can be released back into the wild in Spring.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Fit for freedom soon

Fransenfledermaus // Myotis nattereri  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis nattereri bat can't wait to be released back into the wild. She only has to get a little fit and then she can move to the release winter quarters, from which she can start into freedom in the Spring.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Not all animals can be saved

Zwergfledermaus // pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This pipistrellus pipistrellus bat fell off a garage roof. The finder immediately brought the bat to our station. Unfortunately, the bat turned out to have suffered a skull fracture. Unfortunately, since there was no chance of healing, she had to be euthanized. These are the sad moments of our work. At least we could spare the animal further suffering. RIP

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

No roof over his head

Zwergfledermaus // pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This male pipistrellus pipistrellus had found a Winter quarters in a house roof. Unfortunately, the roof was rebuilt in Winter. Fortunately, when the roof was removed, the bat was discovered and saved. He was unharmed. Now he will hibernate in our station and be released back into the wild in Spring. Please, during reconstructions pay attention to bats that live in the building.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Bat rescued from sports hall

Rauhautfledermaus // Pipistrellus nathusii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus nathusii bat was found in a sports hall and was rescued just in time. This female came to our station completely emaciate and with dried wingtips. Her condition was very critical. She will now spend the rest of the Winter with us until she is released back into the wild in Spring.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

We've had enough! Berlin 2023

Wir haben es satt Berlin 2023  (Gudrun Becker /

The FOE Fledermauszentrum Hannover was also present at the demo "We've had enough" in Berlin 2023. To protect the bats, we campaigned for a stop to the use of pesticides. Of course, Plüti was also back in Berlin.

There are numerous photos and videos under #WHES23 or #Wirhabenessatt23 - that's why we created a video where you can experience the day from Plüti's point of view. Have fun!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE

#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals #WHES23 #Wirhabenessatt23

#Pestizide #Landwirtschaft


Open the stage for the bats

The bats have found a Winter quarters in the garden theater oft he Royal Gardens Hannover Herrenhausen. The former stage passage was converted from the Royal Garden into a bat quarters. NABU and BUND Fledermauszentrum Hannover have taken over the care. Dr Renate Keil recently checked the humidity. We thank the Royal Garden of the state capital Hanover for the great cooperation. Would you also like to build a bat roost? Click here!

(Hinweis zu den Fotos: teilweise aktuelle Aufnahmen und teilweise aus der Zeit der Errichtung 2022)

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Poison in the next generation

Vergiftung Zwergfledermaus // Poisoning Pipistrellus Pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil / )

This Pipistrellus pipistrellus was born in summer from a mother who was brought to our station with poisoning (probably wood preservatives). Apparently, the poison passed through the mother's milk to the baby and inhibited fur growth. Comparable cases showed that the fur grows later and the bats are then able of being released into the wild (protected release!). We hope that this will also be the case with this bat. More information about threats for bats.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Tree felling with a mild outcome

Baumfällung // Tree felling  (Dr. Renate Keil /

During a tree felling of a diseased tree which had been thoroughly inspected for holes / animals, two bats were discovered in a bark crack during the felling. The work was stopped immediately and our bat emergency number was called. The bats could immediately be offered a replacement hole in the neighboring tree. However, one animal did not want to stay there and flew back into the tree to be felled. There it crept into a very long and deep crevice in a branch. The tree therefore had to be secured against falling over to give the bat the opportunity to look for a new roost overnight. The next day the bat was no longer to be seen in the felling tree, which was thoroughly examined again. Nevertheless, increased caution was required. The piece in question was carefully removed from the tree, examined repeatedly and leaned vertically against the neighboring tree. The neighboring tree has tree holes, so that the bat can move into the tree hole should she nevertheless be in the piece of branch. Such cases show that despite the utmost care, bats can be in trees to be felled, even though the trees have been carefully endoscoped. For this reason, construction foam closures of tree holes are also a deadly hazard if animals are overlooked during endoscopy! Please note that bat roosts can also be found in small, thin trees.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE

#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals #Bäume #Trees

Totally dehydrated but saved

Zwergfledermaus dehydriert // Pipistrellus pipistrellus dehydrated  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This pipistrellus pipistrellus bat had flown into a warehouse. He was only discovered later and was already completely dehydrated. Luckily, the bat was immediately taken to our vet. He was stabilized there and is already on the mend.


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE

#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals      

Thank you to the supporters

Nachtsichtgerät // Night vision devise  (Gudrun Becker /

Thanks to the Betterplace donators we were able to buy another night vision devise. We Thank all the supporters.


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE

#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals      

Wildlife in need!

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Frau Terstegge /

Many animals need help tonight and the following days! Here are some emergency contacts to turn to for injured wildlife. Please pay attention to wild animals in need of help in the next days. And drive carefully as many animals run into the streets in panic. The orientation of the animals will also be disturbed.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE

#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals #Silvester

#Neujahr #Newyearseve #Feuerwerk #Böller

Thank you so much!

Nachtsichtgerät und Mikroskop  (Gudrun Becker /

With the donations we received through Betterplace, we were able to buy a microscope and a night vision device. We would like to thank all donors who have made this possible.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals      

Bat saved from freezing

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Due to the persistent cold, some bats that have not yet found a frost-proof roost have to flee the cold. Not all animals find a frost-proof place in time. During this time, please pay particular attention to bats lying on the floor or balcony. Even if the bats appear to be dead, they are often only immobile because of the cold. Please, save the animals and contact a bat expert immediately. If you are advised to simply put the animal back at the nearest tree, please do not follow this advice, as this would mean death for the animal. Please call another contact who will take care of the animal.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #Frost
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals #Winter #Kälte #cold    

Vespertilio murinus bat flew into a building

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Vespertilio murinus bat was found inside a building. Maybe she could not yet find a good winterquarter for hibernation or she was disturbed in the winterquarter.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals      

Pipistrellus pipistrellus Bat found during renovation

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This pipistrellus pipistrellus bat was found while the windows were being renovated and luckily he was rescued unharmed. Please, pay attention to bat roosts during renovations and conversions.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals      



Review 2022 FOE Bat Station Hannover

Das Foto zeigt ein Braunes Langohr Plecotus auritus // the photo shows a Plecotus auritus Braunes Langohr Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

FOE Bat Station Hannover celebrates its 10th anniversary (English below)

In 2012 the BUND bat center Hannover was opened. Since then, over 4600 bats have received help from us. Countless emergency calls and requests for advice are constantly being received by our BUND bat emergency hotline, which is managed by Dr. Keil and is served 24 hours a day. More than 30 volunteers take care of the bats in the BUND bat center and train the animals for releasing back to the wild. In addition to almost daily emergency operations, our tasks also include work in the forests, control of bat quarters, training courses, guided tours and lectures. In 2022 we were able to take part in some events in Hanover and the surrounding area again. We are also teaching school classes about bats. There is always much to do backstage like craftsmanship, logistics and office work. Our tasks are very diverse. Every day we volunteer for the animals. In 2021 we renovated the bat center together with the state capital Hanover. The thermal insulation of the attic and the windows, as well as the stable roof construction have proven themselves excellently in 2022. We thank the state capital Hanover for this great support.

The bats would like to thank the many volunteers, some of whom work daily for the bats. We would also like to thank our loyal sponsors and supporters and also the many people who share our posts on social media and make a significant contribution to bat protection by spreading the information. You can find more information at (German / English) Click here for our video:

and Impressionen 2022:

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals      

No Highway through the Leinemasch - PETITION!

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Please sign the petition against the highway in the Leinemasch - help to protect nature!

You can find more campaigns and petitions on various topics here!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals #leinemaschbleibt

#Petitionen #Klimaschutz #Artenschutz #Naturschutz  

Attention construction site!

Braune Langohren // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

These two Plecotus auritus bats chose a construction site as their winter quarter. They were rescued unharmed. The construction site will carefully searched for bats. If you are planning conversions or demolitions of buildings, please pay attention to possible bat  quarters. Look here where bats can possibly have a quarter.


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals    

Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat will soon be fit again

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

It could have been worse. This pipistrellus pipistrellus was a victim of a cat attack but was only slightly injured. We assume that she can be released back into the wild in Spring.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals      

Bat’s life saved

Zwergfledermaus mit Fußverletzung // Pipistrellus pipistrellus with injured foot  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This bat is not dead. She was trapped in a door and injured her foot. She is currently being treated and on the mend.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals     

Bats - not scary at all

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Bats are nothing to be scared of. Look here how beautiful and interesting these animals are.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals #Halloween      

2 Myotis bechsteinii bats released back to the wild

Bechsteinfledermaus // Myotis bechsteinii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

We thank the State Capital Hannover for the wonderful cooperation. Our work on this scale would not be possible without the support of the State Capital Hannover. See Facebook posting from 10/20/2022

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals #Hannover

Fast help saves lives!

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Plecotus auritus bat was found in a basement. The finder immediately informed our bat emergency service. Only thanks to the quick help the life of the weakened bat could be saved. If you find a bat, please contact professional help immediately. Only professionals can assess the health of a bat and provide professional help. Please also note our information on the website.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Tree fellings and Tree care

Stammfußhöhle // Tree trunk cave  (Kristin Jackowski /

Bats can even sleep in very thin tree trunks, small tree hollows and bark crevices! Please note our information!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE

#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

#Trees #Forests #Wald #Bäume



Hannover Animals-Garden Festival 2022

Shortly before the start of the festival, we thought that with our bat information booth with a width of 9 m and 10 people staff, we would be well prepared for the many interested visitors. But shortly after the start of the festival, our booth was completely crowded. Many young and old visitors curiously explored the world of bats. Even after the end of the lantern parade around 7 p.m., there were still interested visitors at our booth.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals
#Tiergartenfest #Hannover

Chimneys & Ovens

Baumfällungen Kamine // Tree fellings Tree Care Ovens Chimneys  (Carina Bach /

In Winter many bats are looking for the warmness of the chimney. Unfortunately, the search for the warmness sometimes ends up by falling into the chimney where the bats are trapped and have no way out. The animals fall in and burn painfully. Tip: Please look often into the chimney if a bat is inside. Please, pay attention to bats in stacks of wood, who are there for hibernation.

Please, share our information!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE

#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals #Kamine #Öfen #Holz #Ovens #Chimney #Wood

Fruit festival in the orchard Hahne Gleidingen

At the fruit festival in the Hahne orchard, not only do regional suppliers offer their goods, but visitors can also find out about nature and species protection. The BUND Bat Center Hanover is represented with an information stand.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Two new patients arrived

The Hannover fire brigade brought 2 bats today, a Plecotus auritus bat and a Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat. Both are completely weakened and can now regain strength in our station.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Please don't let it down!

Fledermaus an Hauswand // Bat on the wall  (Foto Finderin /

This bat owes its life to an attentive finder. The finder discovered the little bat on the wall of the house and reacted immediately. Bats that hang on house walls during the day are usually in need of help

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Weakened Myotis daubentonii bat

Wasserfledermaus // Myotis daubentonii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis daubentonii bat was found weakened on the ground. As insectivores, bats suffer particularly from the lack of insects. See how you can help bats here.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Spotted in the mud

This bat was found on the ground covered in mud. After a thorough cleaning, it turned out to be a Vespertilio murinus bat. This is the first verification of a Vespertilio murinus bat in the area where it was found in Wedemark.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Please, don’t look away!

Unterarmbruch // Forearm fracture  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus nathusii bat was lying helpless in downtown. Countless passers-by carelessly ignored the bat until finally an animal lover showed a heart for bats. She saved the bat's life and quickly took her to our vet. The bat had a fractured forearm. This has now been splinted and needs to stabilize before the bat goes into flight training and back to freedom.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

An unusual guest

Große Bartfledermaus // Myotis Brandtii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis brandtii bat was found in the building of the youth and family department of the state capital of Hanover. The employees reacted immediately and the bat came to us in the station. Soon she will be released back into the wild. Bats are exposed to different threats. Buildings are just one of many threats. Click here to see how you can reduce the threat to bats.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Glued bat rescued

This Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat was found in a building with glue all over her body. How the glue came on the bat is unclear. After a thorough cleaning with oil, the bat is now recovering. Please note our information on glue traps.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Gluetraps #Klebefallen

Starving bat gets help

Wasserfledermaus // Myotis daubentonii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis daubentonii bat was found on the ground completely emaciated. Now she is being fed again and can finally eat her fill. What to do if you find a bat in need please click here.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat was victim of a cat attack

Katzenopfer Zwergfledermaus // Cat victim Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat was the victim of a cat attack. Luckily he survived the attack but needs careful treatment. 

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Just relax

Fransenfledermaus // Myotis nattereri  (Dr. Renate Keil /

The bats wish you a relaxing weekend.


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Bat killed by throat bite

Mückenfledermaus mit Kehlbiss // Pipistrellus pygmaeus with throat bite  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Unfortunately, we received this Pipistrellus pygmaeus bat dead. She was injured by a fatal throat bite. It is unclear who caused the bite.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Summer festival of the wildlife and species protection station Sachsenhagen

Sommerfest Wildtier- und Artenschutzstation Sachsenhagen  (Renate Oder /

At the Summer festival of the wildlife and species protection station in Sachsenhagen, we informed the visitors about bat protection.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Just in time

Kleine Bartfledermaus // Myotis mystacinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This male Myotis mystacina bat came to our station completely weak and thirsty. Many animals are thirsty and unfortunately the public fountains have been turned off in many places as part of the energy saving measures. Please provide drinking facilities for the animals. For larger watering places, please pay attention that correspondingly thick branches offer a rescue option to animals that have fallen into it. Click here to see how you can avoid watering places and rain barrels becoming a death trap. With smaller water bowls, small sticks give insects a chance to save their lives from drowning.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Myotis brandtii rescued

Große Bartfledermaus // Myotis Brandtii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis brandtii bat's injury pattern suggests that she was trapped in a window frame. There are many dangers for bats lurking around the house. See how you can avoid accidents.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Attention! Young bats explore their surroundings!

The young bats are now on their first flights exploring their surroundings. This can easily result in flights into buildings. The animals fly in through open / hopper windows. Even bat invasions can occur. The bats put their lives in danger if, for example, they fly behind cupboards or into empty vases, watering cans, wastepaper baskets or lanterns, which can easily become a death trap. Since they also like to hide in the folds of curtains, it can happen that they get caught there and can no longer free themselves. If bats fly in, please remain calm. Close all doors to prevent flight into other rooms. In the dark, open all windows and balcony doors wide so that the animals can find the exit. Before doing this, please check window or door frames for animals so that they are not accidentally crushed. Never allow cats or dogs into the room. Captured animals may only be released after dark, otherwise they are easily prey to cats and birds of prey. Please do not put injured bats or bats that have not taken off themselves outside! Bats like this need urgent help. Please, call the nearest bat expert (for contacts: ). In addition, if it is possible for you, please rescue the animal. To do this, you should only touch the animal with a cloth and carefully place it with the cloth in a cardboard box (with very small air holes). Close the box very well. If you need assistance with the rescue, please contact the bat expert or the fire brigade. Please keep an eye out for bats in the room on the following evenings as well, as they initially hid and might not have been discovered on the first evening. Please check open vessels that can become a death trap for bats.

Please share our information so that as many animals as possible can be helped. Thank you for your help.

Our tip: The best way to prevent intruders is to either keep the windows closed or to put an insect net in front of the window.

You can find more information about bat animals and quick help here!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen


On to freedom

Dr. Renate Keil bei der Auswilderung // Dr. Renate Keil at the release  (

The release of recovered bat patients is in full swing. The orphan babies of the Pipistrellus pipistrellus  and Pipistrellus pygmaeus bats also find their way to freedom. So far 48 of these former orphan babies have been released into the wild. Since hunting success is still difficult at the beginning, the animals are given food and water in the release boxes. Here the animals can return until they have sufficient hunting success of their own. For further information please click here.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Extraordinary Landing place

Mückenfledermaus // Pipistrellus pygmaeus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

During flight training, this Pipistrellus pygmaeus bat chose an unusual landing place. She will soon be able to be released into the wild. This year more than 60 bats have already been released back into the wild and many more will follow who are already in flight training.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Plecotus auritus rescued

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This male brown Plecotus auritus bat was found wet, dirty, very weak and with hematomas on both upper arms outside a pool. Plecotus auritus bats drink in flight over a surface of the water. The animal probably got into the pool and used the last of its strength to get out of the water. It is now in our station recovering from the accident. Here you can see how you can minimize dangers for bats around the house.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Plüti fights for the Leinemasch

Plüti kämpft für die Leinemasch  (Gudrun Becker /

Plüti campaigned for the preservation of the Leinemasch during the demo.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Lower Saxony Day

Tag der Niedersachsen 2022 // Lower Saxony Day 2022  (Almut Peest /

The BUND Bat Center Hanover was also represented at the Lower Saxony Day on Friday.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Flying fox from India gets help

Flughund // Flying Fox  (Kathrin Es-Saidy / Jochen Berendt /

This time, in one of our many international consultations, we were able to help saving a flying fox in India. He is now in a veterinary care station in India and is being well cared for.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

#flyingfox #fruitbats #flughund

Attentive finder saves bat's life!

Kleinabendsegler // Nyctalus leisleri  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Nyctalus leisleri bat was found on the roadway of a multi-storey car park. Luckily, the bat was noticed and rescued by an attentive finder. The finder brought the animal to us without hesitation, so the life of the Nyctalus leisleri bat could be saved.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Bat with a broken metacarpal and a hematoma

Breitflügelfledermaus mit Flügelbruch und Hämatom // Eptesicus serotinus with a broken metacarpal and a hematoma  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Eptesicus serotinus bat came to our station with a broken metacarpal and a hematoma. Such injuries can be treated and the chances of a later release into the wild are very good.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Cat victim

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat was carried into the house by a cat and placed in the water bowl. Fortunately, the bat was not seriously injured and will soon be released back into the wild. You can see on our website what dangers bats are exposed to and how you can help.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Splinters in the mouth

Splitter im Maul // Splinter in the mouth  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Nyctalus noctula bat fell victim to a tree felling. The splinters also entered the mouth. You can see how dangerous splinter injuries are on our website.

This is also the reason why victims of tree felling have to be examined thoroughly with a magnifying lamp before they are released back into the wild. This also applies to bats, which appear unharmed at first glance. Left untreated, shrapnel injuries can lead to dangerous abscesses.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Meyers Marketdays 2022

 (Gudrun Becker /

Our booth at Meyers Markttage, we will be there on April 24th, 2022 :-)

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Let's go up

Quartierkontrolle // Quarter control  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Bat quarters are also checked up in the trees. The Berggarten Hannover is actively involved in bat conservation. We would like to thank the State Capital Hannover for this great commitment and active support.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Bat will soon be healthy again

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Plecotus auritus bat will soon be released back into the wild in good health.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Bat got help in time

Wasserfledermaus // Myotis daubentonii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This very weak Myotis daubentonii bat came just in time to our bat station and was rescued. We would like to thank the finders for the attentive and quick help.

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#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Quarters control

Quartierkontrolle // Quarters Control  (Herr Lohmann /

Quarter control in the newly established bat quarters in the Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen Hannover. After such a short time, no bats have moved in, which gives us the opportunity for small improvements. We thank the State Capital Hannover for the great support!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Soon she will be back to freedom

Kleine Bartfledermaus // Myotis mystacinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis mystacinus bat was found today. Unfortunately, she is still a bit weak, but after a little care she can soon go back to freedom. 


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Special coat color

Breitflügelfledermaus // Eptesicus serotinus  (Gudrun Becker /

This Eptesicus serotinus bat has a special dark coat color. You can find even more interesting bat pictures here.

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#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Saved from a construction site

Mückenfledermaus // Pipistrellus pygmaeus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus pygmaeus bat was found on a construction site and was rescued unharmed. Nevertheless, the bat needs help because he needs to be fed up a bit. What to do if you find a bat, you can check here.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

10 years FOE Bat Center Hannover

Logo AG Fledermäuse BUND Region Hannover // the picture shows the logo Bat Conservation Team Friends of the Earth Germany Hannover - eine Fledermaus im Porträt mit dem BUND Logo ein grüner Erdball im halboffenen schwarzen Kreis. A bat in profile with the international BUND logo a green ball in a half open black circle Logo AG Fledermäuse BUND Region Hannover // Logo Bat Conservation Team Friends of the Earth Germany Hannover  (Dr. Renate Keil /

In 2012 the FOE bat center in Hannover was opened. Since then, more than 4000 bats have reached us, countless emergency calls and requests for advice are constantly being received by our BUND bat emergency hotline. In addition to field work, quarter support, training courses, guided tours and lectures, we also take part in many events in Hanover and the surrounding area every year. Together with the school biology center in Hannover, bat information material is available for schools to borrow and we occasionally teach school classes about bats. There is always a lot to do backstage in terms of craftsmanship, logistics and office work, too. Our tasks are very diverse. Every day we work for the animals. You can find more information at (German / English). Click here for the video:

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Tips for a batfriendly Garden

Click here!

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#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Garten #garden

#Biotop #Habitiat

Ukrainian Bat Rehabilitation Center in Ukraine urgently needs help!

Peace for Ukraine  (geralt /

We would like to draw attention to the Bat Rehabilitation Center in Charkiv Ukraine. Unfortunately, Charkiv is under heavy shelling, but the bat rescue teams are not giving up. They try everything to continue caring for their bat patients. Please, support these courageous people with donations - the money is needed more than ever. 

Current information is being shared on Facebook whenever possible.

Every euro helps and every comment on Facebook can give you courage.

Thank you for your support!

#Bats #Fledermäuse #Tiere #Animals #Ukraine

Pipistrellus pipistrellus rescued!

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus pipistrellus was found on the ground floor and was rescued.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

2 Nyctalus noctula Bat Babies

Große Abendseglerin mit 2 Babys // Nyctalus noctula with 2 babies.  (Dr. Renate Keil /

The Nyctalus noctula Batsy came pregnant to our station. Not long ago, the two babies still fit under her wings.

Baby des Großen Abendsegler // Baby nyctalus noctula  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Bat Rehabilitation Center in Ukraine needs help!

Peace for Ukraine  (geralt /

We would like to draw attention to the bat rehabilitation center in Kharkiv Ukraine. Unfortunately, Kharkiv is under heavy fire, but the bat rescuers are not giving up. They try everything to continue caring for their bat patients. Please support these courageous bat conservationists with donations - they are needed more than ever.

Current information are on Facebook.

Every donation helps and every comment on Facebook can give courage.

Thank you for your support!

Bats in a shaft

Fledermäuse im Bodenschacht // Bats in a shaft  (Rüdiger Habeck /

Bats have been found in this shaft. The exact circumstances of how the animals got there are unclear.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

There you are

Baby der Zwergfledermaus // Baby Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Akinese / Dead spot reflex

Contrary to the first impression, the bats in these photos are not dead. Bats can pretend to be dead in case of danger with the aim that possible attackers lose interest in them. This dead spot can last up to 10 minutes, in rare cases longer. Please note that if you find a supposedly dead bat, you must first salvage it. To do this, you should only touch the animal with a cloth and carefully place the cloth in a cardboard box (with very small air holes). Close the box very well and keep it at room temperature. Please contact a bat-rescue immediately at After about 15 minutes, please carefully open the box and check whether the bat's position has changed or it moves again. If so, please take the bat to the nearest foster home. If the bat's position has not changed, please try carefully to open the wing a little. If the wing is movable, it means that the bat is only in a coma, but still alive. In this case, the bat immediately needs medical help in a care station (see link "found a bat" above). If the wing can no longer be opened and rigor mortis has set in, the bat has unfortunately died.

Merry X-Mas!

Fledermaus geht schlafen // Bat goes to slep  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Our new bat models have arrived

Fledermausmodelle // Bat models  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Our new bat models have arrived. Visitors to our information booths can not only look at these models, but also touch them. This means that visually impaired people will also have the opportunity to get to know the bats better. Now we still hope that the pandemic will end soon, so that we can go on tour again with information booths.

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#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

The roof is stable again

Sanierung Dach Fledermauszentrum // Restoration roof Bat center  (Dr. Renate Keil /

The roof is stable again. Final construction works are now to follow. We would like to thank the state capital Hanover for the quick and competent help! In January we start with the thermal insulation so that the animals in the aviaries can sleep undisturbed in their hibernation even in colder winters.

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#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

2nd Advent weekend in the bat center

Sanierung BUND Fledermauszentrum // Renovation FOE Bat Center  (Renate Oder /

The hard work will continue on the 2nd weekend in Advent. The craftsmen are working their way into the next area for renovation.

Sanierung BUND Fledermauszentrum // Renovation FOE Bat Center  (Renate Oder /

Our volunteers lay the new carpet in the aviaries.

Sanierung BUND Fledermauszentrum // Renovation FOE Bat Center  (Renate Oder /

2021 a year full of work

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Hoping that the pandemic could at least be contained in 2021, we again planned to take part in various events. But as in 2020, one event after the next had to be canceled due to corona. Fortunately, we were able to take part in the Biodiversity Day of Solvay GmbH with a lecture and an action on bat box construction in compliance with all corona rules. The large number of bat emergencies for which Dr. Renate Keil continued to ensure the emergency room and medical care every day. Our many hard-working volunteers were active every day with rescue service, bat care, flight training and releasing bats tot he wild. In 2021 a Whats app tutorial started by Dr. Keil for bat care centers throughout Germany to provide support with medical questions and treatments relating to various bat emergencies. The tutorial will continue in 2022. We were also able to support the Lower Nature Conservation Authority with numerous important data from bats in mapping the bat populations. At the demonstration against the highway through the Leinemasch Hanover, we brought our demand for the preservation of the habitat on the street. (Petition) 

Then the shock! The state capital Hannover, as the owner of the bat center building, determined that the roof had to be statically stabilized. But that's not all, because in the course of the work it turned out that the problem was bigger than initially assumed. While the bat patients had gone into hibernation, a comprehensive redevelopment plan had to be developed together with the state capital Hannover. For this purpose, the animals first had to be evacuated from the construction site area, then the various crafts of the state capital Hannover started work in close cooperation with us. At the same time, our volunteers began a comprehensive renovation of the almost 10-year-old aviaries. The floor is being completely renewed, many bat boxes are being renovated or replaced, the walls are getting a new coat of paint and much more. When the bats will wake up from hibernation in Spring 2022, they can explore their completely renovated aviaries.

We would like to thank the State Capital Hannover and the many active members of our Bat Conservation Team for this great commitment.

Many thanks also to our many supporters of our work. The bats would also like to thank everyone who shared our information about bat protection.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2022. Please stay connected to us next year as well.


Bat Conservation Team FOE BUND Region Hannover

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Hannover


The Renovation of FOE Bat Center continues

Sanierung BUND Fledermauszentrum // Renovation FOE Bat Center  (Renate Oder /

The roof renovation work continues. The state capital Hanover is working at full speed so that the bats will soon have a nice and safe home again. Our volunteers support every day with cleaning and working in the interior.

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#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

First Advent in the bat center ...

Sanierung BUND Fledermauszentrum // Renovation FOE Bat Center  (Renate Oder /

We work hard even on the Advent-weekend. The carpet of the flight aviaries has to be removed so that the floor can be renovated.

Sanierung BUND Fledermauszentrum // Renovation FOE Bat Center  (Renate Oder /

Our temporary feeding-kitchen.

Sanierung BUND Fledermauszentrum // Renovation FOE Bat Center  (Renate Oder /

One of our evacuation sites. This is where the bats, which fortunately are already in hibernation, are looked after.

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#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Bat has fled the cold

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Vespertilio murinus bat had not found ga ood winter quarter and has fled the cold to a nursing home. Fortunately, the bat was found and rescued in time. Please, support bats with winter quarters if you can.

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#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

The BUND Bat Center is being renovated

Renovierung BUND Fledermauszentrum  (Renate Oder /

While the bat patients are in hibernation, the BUND bat center is being renovated. In close cooperation with us, the state capital Hanover is strengthening the statics of the roof, while extensive renovations are being carried out in the aviaries. The walls get a new coat of paint and then the floor is completely renewed. We thank the state capital Hanover and our volunteers for the hard work. The bats that have already gone into hibernation have of course been evacuated from the construction site and will continue to be monitored by our care teams and looked after if necessary. When the bats wake up in Spring, they can explore their renovated aviaries.

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#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Unfortunately too late

verstorbene Fledermaus // dead bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

The first bat refugee from the cold has arrived

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This male Pipistrellus  pipistrellus fled the cold into an office building. It is more and more difficult for bats to find frost-proof winter quarters due to heat renovations and tree fellings. If you have the opportunity, please support the bats with a winter bat box. Please pay attention to the designation "winter box" or "year-round box" when buying. You will find instructions on how to attach the boxes on our website.​​​​​​​

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Bat rescued

Baustelle // Construction Site  (Harald Schrader /

A Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat was rescued from this construction site.Despite an intensive search, no further animals could be found. We hope that it was a single quarter. Please pay attention to bat roosts on the building during construction work.

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#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

#Gebäude #Buildings #Baustellen #ConstructionSites

Biodiversity Day at Solvay GmbH

The Bat Conservation Team BUND Region Hannover was a guest at the Biodiversity Day at Solvay GmbH. After an informative bat lecture by Dr. Renate Keil, the employees of Solvay GmbH built new bat roosts.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Biodiversität

Caution: chimneys and firewood!

Now the time for chimneys begins. What seems romantic to us can become a death trap for bats. Bats like to hide in piles of firewood. If the wood is shifted, the bats can be seriously injured. In the worst case, they can even be put in the fireplace with the wood and burned. Please watch out for bats when stacking firewood and filling the fireplace! Please spread the information so that as many animals as possible are spared this fate!

#Kamine #Öfen #Chimneys #Fireplaces #Ovens

#Wood #Holz #Firewood #Kaminholz

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Roof tarpaulin / Construction tarpaulin 

Bauplane / Dachplane // Construction tarpaulin / roof tarpaulin  (Gudrun Becker /

Bats can also roost in the crevices of buildings, roof crevices and attics - this applies to both individual animals and colonies. Please make sure that the construction plans do not close off any quarters when covering for roof work / building work.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Gebäude #Dächer #Dachplane #Dachabdeckung #Gebäudeabdeckung #Gebäudesanierung

# Dachsanierung #Bauplane #Construction tarpaulin #roof tarpaulin #roof #tarpaulin #building


New detectors thanks to Betterplace

Fledermaus Detektoren SSF Bat 2 // Bat detectors SSF Bat 2  (Gudrun Becker /

Our new detectors have arrived. We thank all donors from Betterplace for their great support.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

German Animal Welfare Award 2021

We got 2nd place at the German Animal Welfare Award 2021 :-)


Das Foto zeigt zwei Große Abendsegler beim verlassen ihrer Baumhöhle Große Abendsegler verlassen Baumhöhle // Two nyctalus noctula are leaving the tree cave  (Rüdiger Habeck /

Back to the wild

Bats are insect eaters

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Frau Terstegge /

Bats suffer from the disappear of insects. Help is quite simple: Please, buy if possible products with organic certification. If you want to do more for insects and thus for bats, click here.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ #Fledermaus_gefunden

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Insekten #Insects

#Garten #Garden #Bio #Organic

Cat victim Plecotus auritus bat

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Frau Terstegge /

This brown long ear became victim of a cat attack, but it he had good luck and will be able to be released back tot he wild after recovery.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #cats #Katzen

„Time to get up!“

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Myotis bechsteinii bats

Bechsteinfledermäuse // Myotis bechsteinii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

These Myotis bechsteinii bats are recovering in our station before they can fly back into the wild.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

A new quarter for bats

The Herrenhausen Gardens in Hanover, in cooperation with the Bat Conservation Team FOE Germany Hannover and NABU Germany Burgdorf, have set up winter quarters for bats. In the interior you can see stones with different cavities, which are suitable as individual or group quarters.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Glue traps - serious danger for bats

Klebefallenopfer Zwergfledermaus // Glue trap victim Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Bat long-term patients

Breitflügelfledermaus // Eptesicus serotinus  (Leonie Stemwedel /

Long-term patients get a place and time to convalesce in our station, too. After 9 months of therapy, this bat found its way to freedom again, healthy and fit.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Bat needs help!

Wasserfledermaus // Myotis daubentonii  (aha-Mitarbeiter /

This Myotis daubentonii bat was found and rescued by attentive aha-workers. On the photo no injury can be seen, but a bat that hangs open on the wall during the day needs to be looked at by experts. When this bat was examined, a flesh wound was found under the right wing on the elbow. The animal is now being medical treated and will soon be released back tot he wild again. Please, note our information on the website.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Glue traps are killing bats

Zwergfledermaus als Klebefallenopfer // Pipistrellus pipistrellus as a glue trap victim  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat was obviously torn from a glue trap and thrown onto the street where she was found. Unfortunately, she passed away shortly after arriving at our bat station. RIP

Please help the bats and share our information.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Klebefallen #GlueTraps

Ovens and Chimneys - danger for bats

Fledermaus im Kamin // Bat in an Chimney  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Fortunately in time this Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat was rescued from a chimney. She already had a lot of soot on her. Please read and share our notes on chimneys.​​​​​​​

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Chimney #Kamine #Oven #Ofen

This year we got cat victims again

Zwergfledermaus wurde Katzenopfer // Pipistrellus pipistrellus became a cat victim  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus pipistrells was the victim of a cat attack. She will need some time to heal, but the chances of being released into the wild next year are very good.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

A garage roof can be so beautiful!

Roof greening is also possible on small areas, for example garbage can houses, birdhouses or here a garage roof!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Dachbegrünung
#Insekten #Artenschutz #Insects

Glue trap - fatal danger

Zwergfledermaus in Klebefalle // Pipistrellus Pipistrellus in a glue trap  (Leon Meitza / Leon Meitza)

Another bat got caught in a glue trap. Only education about the dangers of glue traps can sensitize people to the (non-) use of glue traps. Please share our information - thank you very much.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Klebefallen #Gluetraps

Bat in a glue trap

This Pipistrellus pipistrellus was caught in a glue trap. The bat was found by passers-by on the street. Cause she could not have got there on its own, we assume that she was simply "disposed of" there. The photos show the bat before and after the medical treatment.

Please, do not use glue traps!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Klebefallen #Gluetraps

Forearm fracture from a bat healed well

verheilter Unterarmbruch bei einer Fledermaus // healed bat forearm fracture  (Dr. Renate Keil /

3 months ago this open forearm fracture was splinted by Dr. Keil. Now everything has healed well and the bat is already doing her flight training very well. She will soon fly free again. We wish her all the best!


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Back to Freedom

Kleine Bartfledermaus // Myotis mystacinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis mystacinus enjoyed his last meal in our station. Now he is free again and is hunting his prey by himself. Please give him a future!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

TV Team visited us

Team Hund Katze Maus bei Dr. Keil  (VOX TV /

The dog cat (bat) mouse TV team visited us.



#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Again many orphaned bat babies

Zwergfledermaus subadult // Pipistrellus pipistrellus subadult  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This year we again received many orphaned bat babies. While the first ones have already grown up and could be released safely into the wild, some are still small and receive special milk, others are currently practicing flying. Here is a Pipistrellus pipistrellus during her daily flight training.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Subadult bat about to be released to the wild

Zwergfledermaus subadult // Pipistrellus pipistrellus subadult  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This subadult Pipistrellus pipistrellus will soon be protected released to the wild. Information about the protected release of young bats can be found here: and

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

On the mend

Breitflügelfledermaus subadult // Eptesicus serotinus subadult  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This subadult Eptesicus serotinus must first heal his injury before he can be released back to the wild.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Found a bat – what to do?

Fransenfledermaus // Myotis nattereri  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Unfortunately, this Myotis nattereri reached our station too late, so we couldn’t help her anymore. Please, do not hesitate to help a found bat.​​​​​​​

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Take Action for Bats!

Großer Abendsegler // Nyctalus noctula  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Please, click here!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen


No Highway trough Leinemasch!

Plüti bei der Demo gegen den Autobahnbau durch die Leinemasch Hannover  (Gudrun Becker /

Today Plüti demonstrated against the construction of the motorway through the Leinemasch. Please support him in the fight to preserve the bat habitat and sign the petition:  (and also the other petitions). Please, don't forget to share.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen
#Klima #Climatecrises #Verkehrswende #Climate

Happy Pentecost!

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

We wish you a happy Pentecost <3


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Mother's Day

Fransenfledermaus // Myotis nattereri  (Dr. Renate Keil /

We wish all mothers a great Mother's Day. In our work with the bats, we also have one or the other experience with mothers and babies - just click here!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen


Braune Langohren // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Have you already visited our petition page? Please click and sign the petitions.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Petition #Tierschutz
#Tiere #Animals #Artenschutz #Natur #nature

Myotis dasycneme

Teichfledermaus // Myotis dasycneme  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Fortunately, this emaciated Myotis dasycneme reached our station in time. Help the bats by making the garden close to nature.​​​​​​​

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Garten #garden #Insekten #Insects

Windows – Danger to bats

Wasserfledermaus // Myotis daubentonii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

when many offices are closed, that the windows are closed so that no animals can fly in. You can see here how you can minimize further dangers to bats around the house.​​​​​​​

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf
#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Barely visible

2 Große Abendsegler // 2 Nyctalus noctula  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Barely visible: 2 Nyctalus noctula in a crack in the bark.

You can find more information about tree-dwelling bats here.


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden
#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Bäume #Trees
#Wald #Forests

Saved thanks to quick help

Kleine Bartfledermaus // Myotis mystacinus  (Henning Leitzbach /

This Myotis mystacinus was found injured on a house wall. Thanks to the quick reaction of the finder, who immediately brought the animal to our vet, the bat was helped in good time. What to do when you find a bat please click here.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden
#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen

A Garden for Bats

The bats are not yet enthusiastic about activities at these temperatures, but soon they will be looking forward to a bat-friendly garden.​​​​​​​

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Garten #Insekten #Garden #Insects #Artenschutz #Insektenschutz #Artenvielfalt #Biodiversity #Biodiervisität

Welcome Baby

Baby Zwergfledermaus // Baby Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

An injured female Pipistrellus pipistrellus gave birth to a baby in our bat station. She came to us pregnant. Saving an expectant mother helps not only the individual animal, but also the future generation. In Summer mother and child will be able to live in the wild again. Please, give the bats a future. 

(Note: No gloves are required for baby bats)


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden
#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Bats and Buildings

Breitflügelfledermaus // Eptesicus serotinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Eptesicus serotinus was found on a construction site. Please pay attention to possible bat roosts when working on the house. The roots do not always have to be large, individual animals can also hide in small crevices. For more information click here.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat
#tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Haus #Gebäude #Baustelle
#Houses #Buildings #Constructionsites

Minimize threads for bats

2 Rauhhautfledermäuse // 2 Pipistrellus nathusii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Two injured Pipistrellus nathusii reached our bat station, please help to avoid danger to bats:

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Bats are social animals

2 Braune Langohren // 2 Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

During the treatment in our bat station, new friendships develop (here 2 Plecotus auritus). Here you can see what observations we made on our patients.​​​​​​​

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen

We welcome two Nyctalus noctula babies

Große Abendsegler 2 adult und 2 Babys // Nyctalus noctula 2 adult and 2 babies  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Last Autumn an injured female Nyctalus noctula came to our bat station. She was pregnant and has  given birth to 2 healthy babies. Since the female has to stay in treatment a bit longer, the babies come later in the protected release./

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Releases back to the wild get started

Gruppe Große Abendsegler // Group of Nyctalus noctula  (Dr. Renate Keil /

42 Nyctalus noctula who fell victim to tree felling can be released back into the wild today. 3 animals still have to stay to be medical treated.

The photo shows part of the group when they arrived at our bat station. Please help prevent future tree fall victims and share our information.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Bäume #Trees

Found a bat – what to do?

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Plecotus auritus also reach our bat station thanks to attentive finders. What to do when you find a bat, please click here.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden
#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen


Dangerous Splinters

Großer Abendsegler mit Splitterverletzung // Nyctalus noctula with splinters  (Dr. Renate Keil /

When bats fall victim to tree felling, splinters often penetrate deep into the bat's bodies. Please note:  The animals often seem to be healthy. Splinter injuries can only be seen well under a magnifying lamp, so we urgently recommend to save all animals, who felt victim to  tree felling, and let them examined by bat experts or vets at a suitable location with very good lighting and a magnifying lamp!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden
#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen
#Bäume #Trees #Splitter #Splinters

Consequences of a tree felling

Großer Abendsegler Baumfällopfer // Nyctalus noctula tree felling victim  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This female Nyctalus noctula survived a tree felling with many splinters and a bruise. For many bats, tree fellings have severe consequences!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Bäume #Trees

Bats fall victim to tree felling

Großer Abendsegler werden Baumfällopfer // Nyctalus noctulas were tree felling victims  (Dr. Renate Keil /

These 3 Nyctalus noctula fell victim to tree felling. Please don't let the deaths of these bats be in vain and share our information on tree care and tree felling to prevent future accidents.​​​​​​​

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden
#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Bäume #Trees

Help bats

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus pipistrellus was found weakened. It will soon be released back into the wild in spring. Please give the bats a future by taking action. How diverse and simple bat protection can be can be seen here.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Dangers to bats round the house

Zwergfledermaus mit Unterarmfraktur // Pipistrellus pipistrellus with wing fracture  (Dr, Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus pipistrellus got under a door with his wing. Take a look here, how you can prevent accidents with bats around the house.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Haus #Unfälle

#Gebäude #House #Building #Accidents

Please, spread the word for bats

Zwergfledermäuse // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

One bat after the next arrives in our station. The phone no longer stands still. Many people are worried about the bats this cold winter or have even found a bat. Please help us educate people about bats by sharing our information. Thank you very much for your support. You can find a lot of information about all topics of everyday bat protection here on our website.

You can find more in-depth specialist information at or enter the appropriate search term at

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Caution Building demolition!

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Plecotus auritus was rescued from a demolished house. Please watch out for animals during renovations and building demolitions

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Gebäude #Buildings

Refugees from the cold

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

The number of refugees from the cold does not stop, today the Hanover police brought another bat who had not found a frost-proof quarter. Found a bat? Please, click here!

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Found on a balcony

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus pipistrellus was found in the snow on a balcony and brought to us by the finders. You can help bats too - it's very easy! 

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Found a bat?

Rauhhautfledermaus // Pipistrellus nathusii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Pipistrellus nathusii was also unable to find frost-proof quarters and was found in front of a museum. Thanks to the quick help from the finders, the animal was saved in good time. What to do when you find a bat is described here.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Gebäude #Winter

#Kälte #Bäume #Buildings #Trees #Cold


Escape from the freezing cold

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

With the onset of the cold, the first refugees from the cold who had not found frost-proof quarters come to our station. Thermal renovations of buildings and tree fellings make it more and more difficult for bats to find frost-proof roosts. While police were bringing a bat that had taken refuge from the cold in a hospital, a family brought in a pipistrellus pipistrellus that was taking refuge on their balcony.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Gebäude

#Winter #Kälte #Bäume #Buildings #Trees #Cold

Bats and Buildings

2 Zwergfledermäuse // 2 Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

These Pipistrellus pipistrellus are waiting to be released in Spring. Then it will be important that they find quarters. Please help the bats

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden
#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Gebäude #Buildings

Plecotus auritus had good luck

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Plecotus auritus was lucky to be found in time, thanks to people, who payed attention.
Here is what to do, when you find a bat.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Finally a helping hand

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This little Pipistrellus pipistrellus has been spotted several times on the ground in the same place. The animal was not rescued and brought to us until the third day. The animal is now on the mend. Please don't hesitate if you find a bat in plight. Here's what to do.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden 

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen

Please do not use firecrackers and fireworks

Firecrackers and fireworks scare bats in town and country. The animals warm up in panic from deep hibernation and spend much energy. As the animals find no food in Winter, they can starve at the end of Winter due to a lack the energy.

Our advice: Please do not use firecrackers and fireworks. 

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #silvester #newyear

#neujahr #feuerwerk #böller #firecracker #firework #winter #winterschlaf #hibernation

On the Mend

Zwergfeldermäuse // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

These two Pipistrellus pipistrellus are on the mend. It is likely that they will be among the first patients to be released into the wild in Spring. Take action for bats!


bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden 

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen

2020 - a special year

Motivated we started with 2 events in January 2020: We campaigned for agriculture without pesticides at the big demonstration “We're fed up” in Berlin and had an information stand about bats  at the Hanover film premiere of the film “The Secret Life of Trees”. At the beginning of the year, three school classes were also given a lesson about bats and, to their great enthusiasm, the kids had the opportunity to look directly into the bats‘ black eyes.

Of course, the first bat patients reached our station in January. Then we started thinking about the organization of our event "European Batnight" in Hanover. But everything turned out differently ... Due to the coronavirus weh ad to rise up with big challenges. One event after the next had to be canceled. Our care and emergency teams had to be separated and work alone, no longer in a team. The handover of injured bats had to be switched to a contactless handover. All communication was switched to WhatsApp and telephone, as team meetings were not possible. We were only able to welcome a few new volunteers in our group under strict hygiene requirements. At the same time, we expected a large number of questions from concerned people whether the virus can be transmitted by bats. However, these quetsions didn’t reach us, because apparently the people did not let themselves be alarmed - perhaps thanks to the broad public relations work of the bat protection groups, which clarified at all levels that the corona virus cannot be transmitted from native bats to humans. So we had one less worry, but we were mainly concerned about the significantly larger number (compared to previous years ) of weakened or injured plecotus bats that reached our station. This is very unusual and it remains to be clarified in the future whether this is a negative trend or just an unfortunate exception. Overall more than 400 bats reached our station in 2020. Fortunately, we were again able to release a very large number of bat patients in good health.

Certainly due to the prohibition of contact, our vet's online inquiries and consultations were increasing. Fortunately more and more vets are now taking part in bat care, sending photos and getting advice on the treatment of bat patients. The network of veterinary colleagues who not only euthanize injured bats but treat them is slowly expanding.

You are also welcome to take a look at our annual review in pictures on our YouTube channel:

We would like to thank all of our volunteers who work tirelessly for the bats even in this difficult time. We would also like to thank all donators and bat-godparents and all people who share our information in conversations or on our social media channels. Please stay connected to the bats in 2021 - How you can help bats in a variety of ways, see here:

We wish you a good start into the New Year.

Your Bat Conservation Team FOE Germany Hannover

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden 

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #2020


Preparation for freedom

Bechsteinfledermaus // Myotis bechsteinii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This Myotis bechsteinii has started his flight training sessions so that he will be ready for freedom by Spring.

But his habitat and his food is threatened. Please, sign the petitions and help bats and other animals to survive.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden 

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Petition 

Protect Bats

Zwergfledermaus // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Currently we have received two cat victims - a Pipistrellus pipistrellus and a Plecotus auritus.

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Check out how you can protect bats. ​​​​​​​

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen