Das Foto zeigt einen naturgemäßen Garten mit unterschiedlichen Blumen und Sträuchern // The photo shows a natural garden with different flowers and shrubbery Naturgemäßer Garten // Natural garden  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Your garden can be turned into a paradise for bats! Many flowers produce their flower fragrance only at night in its full glory and attract with their fragrance nocturnal insects. Bats locate and capture the insects. . 

Please, no pesticides and no glue traps

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, der wegen der Pestizide krank ist. // The drawing shows BUNDchen bat, who is ill because of the pesticides. BUNDchen Fledermaus ist wegen der Pestizide krank // BUNDchen Fledermaus is ill due to pesticides  (Carina Bach / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

The use of pesticides, which poison the insects leads to the death of bats and birds that take the poison with their prey. Our advice: Buy if possible products with organic certification. Design your garden close to nature - birds and bats friendly! 

Please note, glue-traps are dangerous for bats, either! 

A garden for the senses

Das Foto zeigt einen naturgemäßen Garten mit unterschiedlichen Blumen und Sträuchern // The photo shows a natural garden with different flowers and shrubbery Naturgemäßer Garten // natural garden

We humans are addressed pleasantly through fine fragrances and enjoy them during an evening walk through the garden. The flowers are usually light-toned, white or reddish to purple. They reflect invisible to us, but for insects visible by short-wave ultraviolet light. In the garden at night the night flowers get a mysterious luminosity (evening and night-scented flowers arable campion, Perennial honesty, Duftresede, yellow iris, Gemshorn, Judas-Silberling, Campion, wallflowers, (Virgin) -. Lilies, lily, moon winds, evening primrose, dame's violet, many species of carnations, end Nick Campion, phlox, snowdrops, soapwort, Star balm, daylily, willow herb, butterfly orchid, flowering tobacco.) 

Bio Diversity in the garden

Das Aquarell zeigt einen naturgemäßen Garten mit unterschiedlichen Blumen // The drawing shows a natural garden with different flowers Aquarell "Naturgarten" von Margarete Becker // Watercolor "Nature Garden" by Margarete Becker  (Margarete Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

What is good for the insects that also benefits the gardener. Fragrant Tagetes or marigolds help to keep the soil healthy. Kitchen and medicinal herbs such as borage and sage provide food for insects, and are also a tasty and healthy addition to the kitchen. Even the nettle as a food plant for many butterfly species plays an important role in nature and is widely used in kitchen and plant protection. (Fragrant plants for summer and fall: Sweet William, farmer tobacco farmer jasmine, datura, Dittany, Rockfish, Sweet Pea, Real myrtle, verbena, tarragon, wallflowers, Heliotrope, Bergamot, sweet flag, nasturtium, royal lily, lavender, Levkoje, meadowsweet, Madonna lily, mint species, Creeping Jenny, Phlox , marigold, old roses as Damas-zener-Rose or Rosa centifolia, yarrow, wormwood). 

Flowers for bats

Das Foto zeigt einen naturgemäßen Garten mit unterschiedlichen Blumen und Sträuchern // The photo shows a natural garden with different flowers and shrubbery naturgemäßer Garten // natural garden

Each garden designed for the nocturnal hunters is a step to protect these endangered mammals. Here you can find some plants suggestions. By the fall, we can delight in day and night blooming flowers and leaf-scented plants. Some of them grow wild in our region, while others are known to us from cottage gardens or as a medicinal and culinary herbs. (Journal Fragrant herbs, Pineapple sage, anise, balm herb, basil, winter savory, borage, oregano, Duftblattpelargonien, Southernwood, fennel, germander, (Roman) - chamomile, chervil, caraway, lovage, lemon balm, clary sage, feverfew, myrtle, tansy, rosemary, cicely, (Meadows )-sage, thyme sand and all other types of thyme, sweet woodruff, rue, wormwood, hyssop, cypress herb.)Some night blooming plants have reserved their nectar only for certain insects. Purchase of seeds possible at www.all-about-bats.net 

Natural meadow or lawn?

Das Foto zeigt eine Wiese mit rotem Mohn // the photo schows a meadow with red poppy Wiese mit Mohn // Meadow with poppy  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Most life can exist in a natural meadow. Grasshoppers and beetles find their food. Spiders can weave their webs in tall grass, even the frog will find coverage. About 1,500 lawn insect and spider species need a meadow as a habitat. On colorful garden lawns are four times as many birds as on lawns. But natural meadows are rare. Thus, a meadow is of high ecological importance.To accelerate the development of a meadow, you can plant perennial wildflowers. However, one should select plants that are suitable for the location. In contrast to a natural grass lawn a meadow is never fertilized or watered. Over time, will that prevail for the location most suitable grasses and wild flowers. The more nutrient-poor a meadow through one or two times annual mowing is, the more species-rich it can develop.If you want to create a new meadow you should first check the ground: whether fat or lean, dry or wet, acidic or calcareous - accordingly, to this the seeds should be selected.No matter how large or small your garden is, a semi-natural corner with fragrant flowers for butterflies and bats can be always set up. Where the garden is very small, help twining plants such as ivy, climbing roses and honeysuckles, creating a habitat for night owls. (Fragrant climbers, Akebia, Real jasmine, ivy, wild rose, honeysuckle, deglutition honeysuckle, clematis and other Clematis species Waldgeißblatt, wild hops, winter jasmine.) 

Deadwood for Insects

Das Foto zeigt einen Stapel Totholz für Insekten // The photo shows a pile of deadwood for insects Totholz für Insekten // Deadwood for insects  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Set up one or more deadwood corners in your garden to provide the insects a habitat. 

Please do not clean up

Das Foto zeigt Laub im Herbst // The photo shows leaves in Autumn Laub // leaves  (pixabay)

Especially in the cold season insects, hedgehog and other animals need much foliage and small branches to find shelter. Please do not tidy the garden, but leave the leaves and branches. 

Death traps for bats and other animals

Die Zeichnung zeigt eine Fledermaus, die in eine Regentonne gefallen ist // The drawing shows a bat that has fallen into a rain barrel BUNDchen Fledermaus Regentonne // BUNDchen bat in rain barrel  (Carina Bach / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Bats and Birds are usually killed, if they fall in open vessels such as watering cans, rain barrels, empty flowerpots, buckets, etc. standing open on the balcony or in the garden. Even in winter, the animals can get into death traps by searching for a frost-proof quarter.

Our tip: Please pay attention to open vessels in the outdoor area, and please cover them. 

Click here to see more threads to bats round the house.

Das Foto zeigt eine Regentonne mit schwimmendem Kork, so dass kein Tier mehr ertrinken kann. // The photo shows a rain barrel with floating cork so that no animal can drown anymore. Regentonne mit Kork // rain barrel with cork  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

With rain barrels, it also helps if you let a piece of wood / cork float on top of the water, so the animals can first find a save place and can recover. Please, control daily, if an animal in the barrel needs your help. 

Insect waterplaces - but beware!

Das Foto zeigt Bienen an der Insektentränke // the photo shows bees at the insect watering place Bienen an der Insektentränke // Bees at the insect watering place  (pixabay)

When designing insect waterplaces, be careful not to use marbles or smooth stones - the insects can not stand on them and can drown. Please use rough natural stones and / or small rough branches. 

Das Foto zeigt glatte Steine // The photo shows smooth stones glatte Steine // smooth stones  (pixabay)

NOT CORRECT! too slippery for insects 

Das Foto zeigt raue Steine // the photo shows rough stones raue Steine // rough stones  (pixabay)

Right: Insect waterplace with rough stones prevents the drowning of the little guests 

Grass trimmers, thread mowers and lawn robots - a deadly danger for hedgehogs!

Das Foto zeigt einen erwachsenen Igel im Garten // the photo shows an adult hedgehog in the garden Igel // Hedgehog  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Even the hedgehog is a nocturnal insect eater - he has therefore asked the bats for help. Please tell everyone that grass trimmers thread mowers and lawn robots can harm hedgehogs! Thank you very much. 

Found a bat - get help!

click here

Take Action for bats!

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, er sagt zu dir Take Action! Werde aktiv für den Fledermausschutz! //  The drawing shows BUNDchen bat, he says to you Take Action! Get active for bat protection! click here

Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees

Das Foto zeigt einen großen grünen Baum // The photo shows a big green tree click here

Bats on Facebook

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus mit Handy // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat with cellphone click here

Bats on Instagram

click here

Bats on Youtube

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus auf der Bühne // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat on stage click here

Bats on Twitter

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, der Zeitung liest // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat who is reading the newspaper click here
Das Foto zeigt eine Kleinabendseglerin mit dem Text Ich bin ein Wesen der Nacht. Hast du je an mich gedacht? Ich bin klein und unscheinbar, und bin doch so wunderbar. Kleinabendsegler Nyctalus leisleri  (Gudrun Becker / www-bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)
Das Foto zeigt einen Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula im Porträt // The photo shows a nyctalus noctula in profile Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula  (Gudrun Becker / www-bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

„The future should not be foreseen but made possible.“ (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)  
