Throughout the year there may be flights into apartments through tilted windows kommen. In summer nights hopper windows can cause invasions of bats in your home. The animals fly but can't find the way out through a hopper window. Hopper windows look different from inside, than from outside and the bats can't figure out the way.
The bats put their lives in danger if, for example, they fly behind cupboards or into empty vases, watering cans, wastepaper baskets or lanterns, which can easily become a death trap. Since they also like to hide in the folds of curtains, it can happen that they get caught there and can no longer free themselves. If bats fly in, please remain calm. Close all doors to prevent flight into other rooms. In the dark, open all windows and balcony doors wide so that the animals can find the exit. Before doing this, please check window or door frames for animals so that they are not accidentally crushed. Never allow cats or dogs into the room. Captured animals may only be released after dark, otherwise they are easily prey to cats and birds of prey. Please do not put injured bats or bats that have not taken off themselves outside! Bats like this need urgent help. Please, call the nearest bat expert (for contacts: https://www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de/fledermaus-gefunden/found-a-bat/ ). In addition, if it is possible for you, please rescue the animal. To do this, you should only touch the animal with a cloth and carefully place it with the cloth in a cardboard box (with very small air holes). Close the box very well. If you need assistance with the rescue, please contact the bat expert or the fire brigade. Please keep an eye out for bats in the room on the following evenings as well, as they initially hid and might not have been discovered on the first evening. Please check open vessels that can become a death trap for bats.
Please share our information so that as many animals as possible can be helped. Thank you for your help.
Our tip: The best way to prevent intruders is to either keep the windows closed or to put an insect net in front of the window. Also note that bats like to sit in roller shutters, window and door columns, please be careful not to trap any animal.
You can find more information about bat animals and quick help here!
Bats and Birds mostly come to death if they fall in open vessels such as watering cans, rain barrels, empty flowerpots, buckets which are on the open balcony or in the garden. Fly glue traps also could not just be a trap for insects, but they can be dangerous for bats, too. Tip: Be careful with open vessels outside, please, cover them. Please, abstain from the use of fly glue traps especially in parts of the building where bats (attic, barn, etc.) could stay.
Our tip: Please pay attention to open vessels in the outdoor area, if necessary cover them.
Watering tanks and rain barrels are dangers for bats
Good example! With the help of the branches, animals such as insects, bats and rodents that have fallen into the buckets can crawl out again.
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#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Tränken #drinkingtrough #Wildtiere #Tiere #Animals
Attention nesting boxes for birds!
Bird nesting boxes can become a death trap for bats! If the walls are not sufficiently rough on the inside, bats, which often choose bird boxes as shelter, can no longer get out of the box and are trapped. Please make sure that the nest box walls are sufficiently roughened. (Quelle und Foto: Anja Rolf)
Bats in Parasols
Bats like to look for day quarters in closed parasols. Please watch out for bats sleeping there when you open the parasol. If a bat has moved in and you don't need the parasol, you are welcome to let the bat stay there. If you would like to use the parasol, please contact a bat expert who will either come to move the animal or give you tips on how you can move the animal yourself without endangering it. Please do not just open the parasol, the animal could fall to the ground or be pinched. Before you move the parasol into the gazebo, especially in Autumn, make sure that there is no bat sleeping.
A clue of a bat visit are the droppings below. (The droppings are in no way harmful, but are ideal as flower fertilizer.)
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#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Sonnenschirme #Parasol
Roof tarpaulin / Construction tarpaulin
Bats can also roost in the crevices of buildings, roof crevices and attics - this applies to both individual animals and colonies. Please make sure that the construction plans do not close off any quarters when covering for roof work / building work.
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#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung
#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Gebäude #Dächer #Dachplane #Dachabdeckung #Gebäudeabdeckung #Gebäudesanierung
# Dachsanierung #Bauplane #Construction tarpaulin #roof tarpaulin #roof #tarpaulin #building
Roof / building renovations or demolition work
Please have experts check if bats live in a building that needs to be renovated or demolished.
Please see urgently our information on bats living in buildings!
As a result of heat remediation, the bats are increasingly losing much-needed winter quarters.
Our tip: Create accommodations for bats in renovations or new buildings, it is very easy and inexpensive! see also our chapter building bat quarters.
Wood preservatives
Pigeon defense spears
Chimneys stoves fireplaces
Glue Traps
Bats in a shaft
Bats have been found in this shaft. The exact circumstances of how the animals got there are unclear.
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