
Bat quarters - For every type of building there is a good solution

Das Foto zeigt Fledermaussteine, die in die Fassade eines Hauses eingebaut sind. Diese Steine sind innen hohl und haben ein Öffnung nach außen. The photo shows bat stones built into the facade of a house. These stones are hollow inside and have an opening to the outside. Beispiel: Fledermaussteine in der Fassade // Example: "Bat-stones" in the facade  (Klaus Hasselfeldt)

Several different quarters are offered for installation on the facade or in the thermal-insulation. If you like you can paint the quarters in the colour of the facade so the quarters are barely visible. 

Photo: Example: "Bat-stones" in the facade.

Neue Quartiere für Fledermäue

Das Foto zeigt, wie ein Fledermausquartier in eine Fassade eingebaut wird, so dass die Tiere das Quartier das ganze Jahr über nutzen können. Einbau eines Ganzjahresquartiers // Installation of a year-round quarter  (Herr Schwegler /

Wenn Sie ein Quartier für Fledermäuse bauen möchten, verwenden Sie bitte nur hochwertiges Material. Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Material frostfest sein muss und das Quartier im Winter frostfrei bleiben muss, damit die Tiere dort überwintern können.  

Photo: Installation of a year-round quarter (photo: Schwegler) 

If possible please offer quarters on different sides of the house

Das Bild zeigt ein Aquarell einer Landschaft mit Bäumen und Wolken am Himmel - gemalt von Margarete Becker Aquarell "Himmel" (Sky) von Margarete Becker  (Margarete Becker /

Because the animals need different quarters depending on the season and weather conditions , it is good for them to install quarters on several sides of the house. If quarters are on different sides of the house the animals are looking for the most comfortable tempered quarter depending on weather conditions. 

Open unused roof spaces for bats

Das Bild zeigt eine Fledermaussilouette aus Stein mit einem Einflug für das dahinterliegende Quartier. The picture shows a bat silouette made of stone with an entry for the quarter behind. Fledermaussilouette-Stein für Einflug - Fa. Strobel // Bat silouette stone for entry  (Firma Strobel /

To open roof spaces for bats, a bat-entrance can be left open in the unused attic space. Also in attics sometimes the small part of the roof remains unused: This is sufficient to provide bats a quarter.  (Photo: Exampel for a "Bat-door" to the roof space).The attic may not be accessible to martens, cats and even owls.  

Please note, once you opened space for the bats, you cannot just close it later, because bats could be sealed.

When will the bats come to the quarters?

Das Foto zeigt zwei Breitflügelfledermäuse Eptesicus serotinus // The photo shows two bats Eptesicus serotinus Breitflügelfledermäuse Eptesicus serotinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This can be very different, in some boxes you will find bats within a few days, others remain empty for many years. Many bats spend only a day or two as a guest, so the use of the box is not proven. 

How can I watch the animals?

Das Bild zeigt zwei fliegende Fledermäuse im Mondlicht. The picture shows two flying bats in the moonlight. Fledermäuse bei Nacht // Bats at night  (


At dusk, or depending on the species of bats little later, the batse begin their hunting flights. You then have the opportunity to watch the animals. Very useful and interesting is the use of a bat detector. Watch ever, touch never! Please do not disturb the animals in their quarters. Besides the fact that bats are wild animals and must not be taken out of the nature, even not for a short time, bats are very defensive. Their bites are very painful!If you find an injured bat or a bat in need of help, please contact the local wildlife rescue or the fire fighters or the police and ask for professional help. 

Homeless in the freezing cold! Bats don't find Winter-quarters

Das Foto zeigt eine Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus // The photo shows a bat Pipistrellus pipistrellus Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

With the start of cold in northern Germany many bats are looking for a frost-free place for the winter. But unfortunately due to tree fellings and house renovations there is hardly any space for bats. In Winter many bats can be seen flying around in a desperate attempt to save there lives. Sometimes they fly right into buildings or freeze to death. Please help the bats to survive. – Take action for the conservation and creation of winter quarters. – Please, spread the word! Thank you for your help. 

Found a bat - get help!

click here

Take Action for bats!

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, er sagt zu dir Take Action! Werde aktiv für den Fledermausschutz! //  The drawing shows BUNDchen bat, he says to you Take Action! Get active for bat protection! click here

Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees

Das Foto zeigt einen großen grünen Baum // The photo shows a big green tree click here

Bats on Facebook

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus mit Handy // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat with cellphone click here

Bats on Instagram

click here

Bats on Youtube

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus auf der Bühne // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat on stage click here

Bats on Twitter

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, der Zeitung liest // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat who is reading the newspaper click here
Das Foto zeigt eine Kleinabendseglerin mit dem Text Ich bin ein Wesen der Nacht. Hast du je an mich gedacht? Ich bin klein und unscheinbar, und bin doch so wunderbar. Kleinabendsegler Nyctalus leisleri  (Gudrun Becker /
Das Foto zeigt einen Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula im Porträt // The photo shows a nyctalus noctula in profile Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula  (Gudrun Becker /

„The future should not be foreseen but made possible.“ (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)  
