Tree felling and Tree care

Tree fellings are the greatest danger for bats. Bats lower their body temperature from while sleeping, so in case of emergency they can not fly away like a bird. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes before they brought their bodies to air temperature in winter sleep it takes even longer. Thus, they have no chance to escape from a tree felling. Often animals are cut alive, splints penetrate deep into their bodies, there are bruising and fractures. If help from experts isnot available, hundreds of bats are killed due to the tree felling. Our urgent request: Before you cut down a tree (or let it make), please let experts check the tree for holes and examine them with an endoscope. The same applies to larger tree care measures, because there holes for bats are in thicker branches, too. Please, click here for further information. 

Bats are not just in thick trees!

Here you can see Bat Quarters in Trees 

(We thank Bat Tree Habitat Key for the photo)

Das Foto zeigt Fledermausquartiere in dünnen Bäumen // The photo shows bat quarters in thin trees Fledermausquartiere in dünnen Bäumen // Bat quarters in thin trees  (Bat Tree Habitat Key /
2 Große Abendsegler // 2 Nyctalus noctula  (Dr. Renate Keil /

2 Nyctalus noctula in a crack in the bark



#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden
#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen
#Bäume #Trees #Forest #Wald

Tree caves - examples:

Das Foto zeigt einen Baum mit Baum mit Baumhöhlen // The photo shows a tree with tree with tree caves Baum mit Baumhöhlen // Tree with tree holes  (AG Fledermäuse BUND Region Hannover /

Tree trunk cave

Das Foto zeigt eine Fledermaushöhle im Stammfuß eines Baumes // the photo shows a bat cave low in the trunk of a tree Fledermaushöhle im Stammfuß eines Baumes // Bat cave low in the trunk of a tree  (Gudrun Becker /

Felled trunk foot cave

Gefällte Stammfußhöhle // Felled trunk foot cave  (Kristin Jackowski /

Large caves can also be found at the bottom of tree trunks. Here you can see a felled trunk foot cave. In this case, the tree had to be felled due to traffic safety. The tree was examined in a faunistic manner before it was felled. No bats were harmed.

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden 

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Bäume #Trees

Artificial quarters can not replace nature

Das Foto zeigt einen alten Baum. // The photo shows an old tree. alter Baum // old tree  (Gudrun Becker /

The preservation and creation of quarters is one of the most important tasks. Please note, that the artificial quarters are not a substitute for natural quarters, but merely serve as a supplement. The preservation of natural quarters is therefore still of great importance!    

Trees - old = new?

Das Foto zeigt einen Querschnitt durch einen Baumstamm // The photo shows a cross section through a tree trunk Querschnitt durch einen Baumstamm // Cross section through a tree trunk  (Gudrun Becker /

In the photo you can see a cross section through a tree. Below you can see still the hole where bats had access to her former home ... Here you can clearly see that an old tree cannot just replaced by a new one. Until a young tree can be an adequate substitute accommodation for animals, it takes several decades...  

Found a bat - get help!

click here

Take Action for bats!

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, er sagt zu dir Take Action! Werde aktiv für den Fledermausschutz! //  The drawing shows BUNDchen bat, he says to you Take Action! Get active for bat protection! click here

Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees

Das Foto zeigt einen großen grünen Baum // The photo shows a big green tree click here

Bats on Facebook

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus mit Handy // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat with cellphone click here

Bats on Instagram

click here

Bats on Youtube

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus auf der Bühne // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat on stage click here

Bats on Twitter

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, der Zeitung liest // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat who is reading the newspaper click here
Das Foto zeigt eine Kleinabendseglerin mit dem Text Ich bin ein Wesen der Nacht. Hast du je an mich gedacht? Ich bin klein und unscheinbar, und bin doch so wunderbar. Kleinabendsegler Nyctalus leisleri  (Gudrun Becker /
Das Foto zeigt einen Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula im Porträt // The photo shows a nyctalus noctula in profile Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula  (Gudrun Becker /

„The future should not be foreseen but made possible.“ (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)  
