Das Foto zeigt die Fledermausversorgung in unserer Fledermausstation, eine Pflegerin reinigt die Schlafplätze // the photo shows the bat care in our bat center - an animal keeper is cleaning the sleeping places

Injured bat by roof renovation

Das Foto zeigt eine durch Dachsanierung verletzte Breitflügelfledermaus. //The photo shows a Eptesicus serotinus injured by roof renovation. Verletzte Breitflügelfledermaus durch Dachsanierung // Injured Eptesicus serotinus due to roof renovation  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

With heavy, severely inflamed abrasions on the shoulder and face that contained grains of sand and wood chips, this bat came to our ward one week ago in mid-March 2018. In the wound cleaning and removal of the foreign body was also found out that under the neck and scalp an air emphysema was. Presumably, she is the victim of a roof renovation, where she sat between stones and was squeezed. Fortunately, the lung injury is probably already stuck, the emphysema is now no bigger and the breath sounds have disappeared after the antibiotic treatment also. The one photo was taken after the initial treatment, now the healing is even more advanced and she eats without end! In the first flight exercises in about 2 weeks will show whether the lung function is sufficient for longer flights.

We hope the best, so that she can go back to freedom in the summer - but she will have to look for a new winter home next winter ... 

New Homes

Anbringen von Fledermauskästen // Attaching bat boxes  (Rose Pettit / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

New bat boxes were installed in cooperation with the School Biology Center Hannover. These serve as a supplement to the old trees existing there. 

Firefighters rescued 5-day-speared bat

Fledermaus mit verletztem Flügel // bat with an injured wing  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

For 5 days and nights, a male of the rare, strictly protected two-color bat had to hold out with wings impaled in a pigeon defense grid, before house-dwellers observed movements in the animal, which was believed to be dead, and notified the fire department. In a desperate attempt to free themselves, the bat had begun to escape the slow thirst by partial amputation of the wing. Because the animal hung inaccessible at high altitude, it could only be recovered with the help of the long fire ladder.

Heavily weakened, half-starved and thirsty, the bat was taken to the bat center of the BUND region of Hannover, where it was immediately supplied with fluids, pain medication, food and antibiotic wound care.

It seems like a miracle that the nocturnal animal has survived so long and was not killed in its exposed situation by crows, magpies or birds of prey. Maybe they were afraid to end up similar ...

Now, a few days later, the little patient is recovering well. Without hesitation, he has adopted the unfamiliar mealworm diet and is already the keeper's favorite.

Although part of the wing - the exposed, self-gnawed metacarpal and finger bone can not be rescued, there is still the possibility that the wing heals so that it can later fly again.

Since bats can become very old (over 30 years is occupied), a longer convalescent period is not only worthwhile for the individual, but also for the preservation of the increasingly rare flying artists, each of whom catches and absorbs thousands of insects per night also very useful! 

To inspire children for the protection of species in school projects

Dr. Renate Keil beim Fledermausunterricht // Dr. Renate Keil doing bat classes  (Anne Ottens / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

The bats fly into the classroom - through lectures, actions and excursions we offer schools the opportunity to introduce children of all grades to species conservation. In addition, we also lend school cases on bats about the School Biology Center Hannover. 

Emergencies do not know Sundays

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, der als geschwächte Fledermaus von Menschen gerettet wird und im Handschuh einen geborgenen Platz gefunden hat. The drawing shows BUNDchen Fledermaus, who is rescued as a weakened bat by humans and has found a safe place in a glove. BUNDchen Fledermaus wird gerettet // BUNDchen bat got rescued  (Carina Bach / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Our task forces as well as the release teams are on their way to recover or release bats. 

A miracle at Easter

gerettet Fledermaus // rescued bat  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

A bat from Resse in the Wedemark had been discovered last Wednesday in a basement room, where she sat in a large saucepan and did not come out. The friendly finders had then put them in a box, but when our rescue driver came to pick them up, the box was empty. The finders had missed an approx. 3 cm hole on the side and it had escaped. So unfortunately our driver had to pull off again.

On Easter Sunday, the finders have found the bat again - sitting on a sack of carrots. Quickly our mission driver rushed off again and the girl was recovered and brought to our vet.

The bat weighed only 3.2 g, was very weak, a bit dirty, but unhurt. Both wings were fortunately okay. First, the bat has drunk a few drops of water. Then she got a little bit overwhelmed and after half an hour she got straight and eaten a few mealworms. She is fine, and very soon - when it gets warmer - she can be re-released. 

Forest administration of the state capital Hannover and AG Bats Hannover region create new housing for bats

Anbringen von Fledermauskästen // Attaching bat boxes  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Together, the forestry administration of the state capital Hannover and the bats group of the BUND Hannover region create new housing for bats in the city forest Eilenriede in March 2018. The weather was icy, but the wind and snow could not stop the Department of Environment and Urban Green from getting on with a lift and hanging up the new batboxes. We would not have been able to install these very heavy Schwegler wooden concrete boxes without this energetic support at lofty heights. We thank Mr. Bettin and his great forest management team for this great commitment and look forward to further cooperation.

Addition due to the many demands: The boxes are regularly checked in cooperation with the forestry administration and possibly cleaned. We chose this altitude to hopefully make the evening sailors good. If you do not have the opportunity to regularly inspect and clean boxes at such heights, you should never hang them up so high! 

Hurricane crashes trees

Hurrikan lässt Bäume umstürzen // Hurricane crashes trees  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Until late into the night, our teams searched with flashlight, endoscope and detector for possibly destroyed bat quarters and injured animals. Fortunately, no traces of injured bats have been found so far. The search continues.

Ask your local council / city administration and well-known tree care companies to look for broken bat quarters or injured animals. (The City of Hannover already has the information from us). 

Look here ...

DAs Foto zeigt eine Bechsteinfledermaus, die die Baumhöhle verlässt // the photo shows a Myotis bechsteinii who is leaving the tree cave Bechsteinfledermaus // Myotis bechsteinii  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

... I am a Bechstein bat - and now I am part of the BDS Bundeswehr's bat conservation campaign, as well as numerous reports on the Hambacher Wald - I also demand: Hambi stays! Will you help to protect me?

Lectures bring people closer to the bats and inform about protective measures

Fledermausvortrag von Dr. Renate Keil // Bat Lecture by Dr. Renate Keil  (Anne Ottens / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

In lectures, we inform people about bats, their way of life, their importance in the ecosystem, reduce prejudice and suggest to people protective measures for bats.

In our own courses, we train interested parties for the bat care and at specialist conferences, we dedicate ourselves in presentations to the professional audience on specific topics. 

Bat emergency call and advice

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus am Telefon // The drawing shows BUNDchen bat at the phone BUNDchen Fledermaus am Telefon // BUNDchen Fledermaus at the phone  (Carina Bach / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Our bat emergency call can be reached within 24 hours. If you find a bat, you can always get expert help from us. We also provide telephone advice on bat protection and treatment of injured bats for veterinarians and bat specialists. 

Bat rescued from chimney

Aus einem Kamin gerettete Fledermaus // Bat rescued from chimney  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

This bat barely escaped death after falling into a chimney. She is already on the way to recovery. Your chances of a speedy life back in freedom are very good.

Learn how to protect bats from such accidents here. 

The Bat Station Friends of the Earth Germany Hannover

Das Foto zeigt die Fledermausversorgung in unserer Fledermausstation, eine Pflegerin reinigt die Schlafplätze // the photo shows the bat care in our bat center - an animal keeper is cleaning the sleeping places Fledermausversorgung in unserer Fledermausstation // Bat care in our bat center  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Every day, our teams provide the bat patients at the Bat Center. Every day there is the control of the animals. The flight training teams perform rehab and flight training. An index card is kept for each individual animal in order to tailor the training individually to the individual patient. If the training results are good, then the release takes place. Then the animals are free again - that is the aim of our work. 

The weather could not stop us :-)

Infostand im Regen // Information boost in the rain  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Today we were back with our information stand at the main train station at Urban Gardening. Unfortunately, hardly any visitors came to us due to the weather. 

Return of the Bechstein bats! Myotis bechsteinii

Auswilderung einer Bechsteinfledermaus // releasing a Myotis bechsteinii back to the wild  (www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Three Bechstein-bats, who were in treatment for a long time due to various injuries, were released together in the Eilenriede one week ago in the box they had chosen in the ward themselves. Kindly, the foresters of the City of Hannover Department of Environment and Urban Green had agreed to mount the box in about 8 m height with the hoist and even drive up to the box control again a week later. The bats had meanwhile apparently found a better dwelling, so that the box was removed again, because he can not be controlled in height without lift and cleaned.

We would like to thank you very much for the spontaneous help with the foresters!

After years no Bechstein bats were found in the Eilenriede, these beautiful animals are apparently back home in small numbers with us, at least we had in the last two years, several finds wounded or weakened animals in Hanover, even a small cub was there, however unfortunately came too late and could not be saved. Now we hope that the 2 females and 1 male stay together and care for more offspring! (Dr. Renate Keil) 

New showcases on tour since 2016!

Fledermausmodelle aus Kunststoff // Bat models made of plastic  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

We have completed 2 new showcases for the 2016 season. One will be created shortly. The showcases show a miniature bat group with baby and a brown long ear and a small horseshoe nose and a pug bat. (These are all models and not prepared animals!). 


Sommerfest Waldstation Eilenriede // Summerfestival Waldstation Eilenriede  (Gudrun Becker / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

At events, we inform the visitors about the bat protection and offer children's actions. 

On the way for the trees

Baumkontrollen // Tree inspections  (www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Our teams look at the trees that are due to precipitate for disease, whether they contain bats that need to be secured! At the same time, they look to see if the precipitation is really necessary. We do not know how many kilometers we have traveled by car / bike or on foot and how many are still ahead ... 

Bat twins born

Fledermauszwillinge // Bat twins  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Now the two bat babies are already so big. The mother looks after the two little ones caring 

Intensive treatment for a Nyctalus noctula with cystitis

Großer Abendsegler // Nyctalus noctula  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

A bat with cystitis is currently undergoing intensive medical treatment. The situation is critical. Bladder inflammation can be fatal in many cases in bats. One of our bat carers is always at the bat's side. Meanwhile the bat is well again and in freedom :-) 

BUND Region Hannover protests! Nearly 300 trees are supposed to die!

Demo gegen Baumfällungen // Protest against tree fellings  (BUND Region Hannover / region-hannover.bund.net)

Hanover at the former Oststadt Hospital:

The BUND Kreisgruppe Hannover has drawn attention to the fact that the B-planning of the former Oststadtkrankenhaus has not taken into account.

"Too many trees are supposed to die for ruthless planning!"

The BUND criticized with an action the procedure for the development of the area of the former Oststadt Hospitals and appeals to the advice of the city of Hanover to reject the development plan. 

(Text and photos: Carina Bach BUND Region Hannover - July 2015) 

The professional fire department Hannover in use for the animals

Tierrettungswagen der Berufsfeuerwehr Hannover // Animal rescue vehicle of the Hanover professional fire brigade  (Henning Bauschke / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Our Team supports the animal rescuers of the professional fire brigade Hanover with expertise in helping and handling bats. For many years, the professional fire brigade Hannover is in use when it says "bat in need" - With a special animal rescue vehicle they rush to help the animals. Bats are brought by the professional fire brigade directly to our station, so that an immediate medical care of the animals is ensured. 

42 Lives saved!

Zwergfledermäuse // Pipistrellus pipistrellus  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

Last night, our team fought for the lives of 42 dwarf and mosquito bats that had flown into a building. After capturing all the animals one after the other, the building was scanned to keep no animal behind. In the middle of the night, the animals were taken to our vet for a medical checkup. Fortunately, all the animals were well and could be re-released the same night. This is just one of many emergencies. Every day new patients reach us, at the same time others are healthy and are re-released. Our orphan bat babies learn to fly and hunt and are in the sheltered release cared for by our team. Our teams train and care for inpatient patients every day so that they can recover and recover as quickly as possible. In addition, we answer all incoming requests for finding bats, bat quarters and more. Not to forget our events, in which we participate in order to inform as many people as possible about bats and their protection. These are just a few things we do - there is a lot more to do in the background, e.g. Campaigns, craftsmanship, logistics, occupational safety and more. (Photo is from our archive, because we do not even come to take pictures). We are on site with the animals - every day - on a volunteer basis (September 2015) 

Every patient is important!

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus mit einer Stichwortliste in der Hand // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat with keyword list in his hands BUNDchen Fledermaus Liste und Kalender // BUNDchen bat with list and calendar  (Carina Bach / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

BUNDchen diligently keeps the patient's book - in the last few days some of our patients have left our ward healthy and are living in freedom again. Up to 8 teams were at the same time in operation to out-feed and provide more animals and train. New patients have arrived again. BUNDchen notes each animal with species, sex, status (juvenile / subadult / adult), location, etc. These data are reported to the Nature Conservation Agency. In addition, we provide a registration form for each animal to the NLWKN to provide data for habitat and neighborhood protection measures. We also enter the data in the NABU batmap to supplement the data collection of the bat stocks in Lower Saxony, as this may lead to further protective measures. 

Barbastella barbastellus - two very special guests

Mopsfledermaus // Barbastella barbastellus  (Dr. Renate Keil / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

In 2015, two pug bats came to our station for the first time.  


Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, der am Schreibtisch arbeitet // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat working at the desk BUNDchen Fledermaus arbeitet am Schreibtisch // BUNDchen bat working at the desk  (Carina Bach / www.bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

On the Internet we reach thousands of people with our contributions, especially the sharing via social medias brings a lot of resonance and thus contributes to the national and international bat protection. Again, we receive many technical inquiries, which we are happy to answer. 

Never be silent - never give up!

Das Foto zeigt Plüti Stofffledermaus bei der End Coal Demo in Berlin 2019 für einen schnellen Ausstieg aus der Braunkohle // the photo shows soft toy bat Plüti at the End Coal Demonstration in Berlin 2018 End Coal Demo 2018 Berlin  (Georg Wendt BUND / www.bund.net)

In various demos, we stand up for bat protection, reject pesticides and fight for the preservation of forests. (Photo: End Coal Demo - Photographer Georg Wendt BUND) 

Found a bat - get help!

click here

Take Action for bats!

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, er sagt zu dir Take Action! Werde aktiv für den Fledermausschutz! //  The drawing shows BUNDchen bat, he says to you Take Action! Get active for bat protection! click here

Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees

Das Foto zeigt einen großen grünen Baum // The photo shows a big green tree click here

Bats on Facebook

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus mit Handy // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat with cellphone click here

Bats on Instagram

click here

Bats on Youtube

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus auf der Bühne // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat on stage click here

Bats on Twitter

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, der Zeitung liest // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat who is reading the newspaper click here
Das Foto zeigt eine Kleinabendseglerin mit dem Text Ich bin ein Wesen der Nacht. Hast du je an mich gedacht? Ich bin klein und unscheinbar, und bin doch so wunderbar. Kleinabendsegler Nyctalus leisleri  (Gudrun Becker / www-bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)
Das Foto zeigt einen Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula im Porträt // The photo shows a nyctalus noctula in profile Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula  (Gudrun Becker / www-bund-fledermauszentrum-hannover.de)

„The future should not be foreseen but made possible.“ (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)  
