Annual report 2023 - 1st place for the bats

Zweifarbfledermaus // Vespertilio murinus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

This year the bats were able to celebrate a very special event. The BUND Bat Center Hannover achieved first place in the Bingo Environmental Foundation Lower Saxony's volunteer award. We are very happy about this recognition! We work for the animals every day and we do so on a voluntary basis. Just over 5000 bats have already reached our station, and many animals have been released back into the wild in good health. Unfortunately, we were not able to help all the animals because some bats were so weakened or badly injured that they either reached us dead or treatment was no longer possible. There are around 200 bats on the station at all times, which are cared for and trained by our veterinarian and a care team of around 25 people. Thanks to the Regina Hoppe and Thomas Behncke Foundation, we were able to build a new roost at the BUND Bat Center in Hanover for bat patients who need protected hibernation. We were also active again in public relations. In addition to countless individual consultations, school classes could also be taught again. The Hannover professional fire department and the children's group from the Sehnde volunteer fire department also received training in bat rescue. The lecture hall of the Hannover University of Veterinary Medicine was attended by our veterinarian Dr. Renate Keil filled to the last place. We take part in various events, including the Lower Saxony Orchard Days and Halloween in Vahrenheider Hood for the first time this year. The very good cooperation with the State capital of Hannover continued hand in hand, for example with the Department of Environment and Urban Greenery in the release of Myotis bechsteinii bats in the Eilenriede, the release in the bat quarters of the Herrenhausen Gardens, in numerous rescue operations by the Hannover professional fire department and other cooperation with the Department of Environment and Urban Greenery and the Department of Economics. We would like to thank the State capital of Hanover very much for this wonderful cooperation. And next year we are planning a very special highlight with the Hannover School Biology Center: After a long Corona break, we will be celebrating the Night of the Bats on August 24th, 2024.

The bats would like to thank the many volunteers, some of whom work for the bats every day. We would also like to thank our sponsors and supporters and also the many people who share our posts on social media and make a significant contribution to bat protection by spreading the information.

We would be very happy if you would also make a donation to the bat center in Kharkiv / Ukraine. Every euro helps to save the bats even under the difficult circumstances:


#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals

Review 2022 FOE Bat Station Hannover

Das Foto zeigt ein Braunes Langohr Plecotus auritus // the photo shows a Plecotus auritus Braunes Langohr Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

FOE Bat Station Hannover celebrates its 10th anniversary (English below)

In 2012 the BUND bat center Hannover was opened. Since then, over 4600 bats have received help from us. Countless emergency calls and requests for advice are constantly being received by our BUND bat emergency hotline, which is managed by Dr. Keil and is served 24 hours a day. More than 30 volunteers take care of the bats in the BUND bat center and train the animals for releasing back to the wild. In addition to almost daily emergency operations, our tasks also include work in the forests, control of bat quarters, training courses, guided tours and lectures. In 2022 we were able to take part in some events in Hanover and the surrounding area again. We are also teaching school classes about bats. There is always much to do backstage like craftsmanship, logistics and office work. Our tasks are very diverse. Every day we volunteer for the animals. In 2021 we renovated the bat center together with the state capital Hanover. The thermal insulation of the attic and the windows, as well as the stable roof construction have proven themselves excellently in 2022. We thank the state capital Hanover for this great support.

The bats would like to thank the many volunteers, some of whom work daily for the bats. We would also like to thank our loyal sponsors and supporters and also the many people who share our posts on social media and make a significant contribution to bat protection by spreading the information. You can find more information at (German / English) Click here for our video:

and Impressionen 2022:

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE
#BUND_FMZ #Tiere #Animals      

2021 a year full of work

Braunes Langohr // Plecotus auritus  (Dr. Renate Keil /

Hoping that the pandemic could at least be contained in 2021, we again planned to take part in various events. But as in 2020, one event after the next had to be canceled due to corona. Fortunately, we were able to take part in the Biodiversity Day of Solvay GmbH with a lecture and an action on bat box construction in compliance with all corona rules. The large number of bat emergencies for which Dr. Renate Keil continued to ensure the emergency room and medical care every day. Our many hard-working volunteers were active every day with rescue service, bat care, flight training and releasing bats tot he wild. In 2021 a Whats app tutorial started by Dr. Keil for bat care centers throughout Germany to provide support with medical questions and treatments relating to various bat emergencies. The tutorial will continue in 2022. We were also able to support the Lower Nature Conservation Authority with numerous important data from bats in mapping the bat populations. At the demonstration against the highway through the Leinemasch Hanover, we brought our demand for the preservation of the habitat on the street. (Petition) 

Then the shock! The state capital Hannover, as the owner of the bat center building, determined that the roof had to be statically stabilized. But that's not all, because in the course of the work it turned out that the problem was bigger than initially assumed. While the bat patients had gone into hibernation, a comprehensive redevelopment plan had to be developed together with the state capital Hannover. For this purpose, the animals first had to be evacuated from the construction site area, then the various crafts of the state capital Hannover started work in close cooperation with us. At the same time, our volunteers began a comprehensive renovation of the almost 10-year-old aviaries. The floor is being completely renewed, many bat boxes are being renovated or replaced, the walls are getting a new coat of paint and much more. When the bats will wake up from hibernation in Spring 2022, they can explore their completely renovated aviaries.

We would like to thank the State Capital Hannover and the many active members of our Bat Conservation Team for this great commitment.

Many thanks also to our many supporters of our work. The bats would also like to thank everyone who shared our information about bat protection.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2022. Please stay connected to us next year as well.


Bat Conservation Team FOE BUND Region Hannover

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_FMZ

#Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung

#animal_rescue #BUNDchen #Hannover


2020 - a special year

Motivated we started with 2 events in January 2020: We campaigned for agriculture without pesticides at the big demonstration “We're fed up” in Berlin and had an information stand about bats  at the Hanover film premiere of the film “The Secret Life of Trees”. At the beginning of the year, three school classes were also given a lesson about bats and, to their great enthusiasm, the kids had the opportunity to look directly into the bats‘ black eyes.

Of course, the first bat patients reached our station in January. Then we started thinking about the organization of our event "European Batnight" in Hanover. But everything turned out differently ... Due to the coronavirus weh ad to rise up with big challenges. One event after the next had to be canceled. Our care and emergency teams had to be separated and work alone, no longer in a team. The handover of injured bats had to be switched to a contactless handover. All communication was switched to WhatsApp and telephone, as team meetings were not possible. We were only able to welcome a few new volunteers in our group under strict hygiene requirements. At the same time, we expected a large number of questions from concerned people whether the virus can be transmitted by bats. However, these quetsions didn’t reach us, because apparently the people did not let themselves be alarmed - perhaps thanks to the broad public relations work of the bat protection groups, which clarified at all levels that the corona virus cannot be transmitted from native bats to humans. So we had one less worry, but we were mainly concerned about the significantly larger number (compared to previous years ) of weakened or injured plecotus bats that reached our station. This is very unusual and it remains to be clarified in the future whether this is a negative trend or just an unfortunate exception. Overall more than 400 bats reached our station in 2020. Fortunately, we were again able to release a very large number of bat patients in good health.

Certainly due to the prohibition of contact, our vet's online inquiries and consultations were increasing. Fortunately more and more vets are now taking part in bat care, sending photos and getting advice on the treatment of bat patients. The network of veterinary colleagues who not only euthanize injured bats but treat them is slowly expanding.

You are also welcome to take a look at our annual review in pictures on our YouTube channel:

We would like to thank all of our volunteers who work tirelessly for the bats even in this difficult time. We would also like to thank all donators and bat-godparents and all people who share our information in conversations or on our social media channels. Please stay connected to the bats in 2021 - How you can help bats in a variety of ways, see here:

We wish you a good start into the New Year.

Your Bat Conservation Team FOE Germany Hannover

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf #Fledermaus_gefunden 

#found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #2020


Bat Conservation Team Friends oft the Earth Germany Hannover 2019

Waldstation Sommerfest 2019  (Gudrun Becker /

A normal day of the AG Bats of the BUND Region Hannover

The bat emergency telephone rings, people bring an injured bat, the vet immediately takes over the medical care. At the same time, a second team went out: A bat flew in an apartment and has to be rescued. The emergency telephone rings again, and the control center of the fire department announces that the animal rescue vehicle is approaching with a bat. The further care of our bat patients is provided by our veterinarian, and a nursing team helps to clean the sleeping places. At the same time in the bat center, the care of the patients, who are accommodated for the rehabilitation in the flight aviaries takes place. Another team takes over the flight training of the patients, who can soon be released again. But also repairs to the inventory are pending and will be processed quickly and reliably. Other emergency requests are received via the Internet, some need advice, others the contact to local bat experts who can help where help is needed - meanwhile we act as agents all over Germany and sometimes even internationally to find contact persons in bat protection, to ensure rapid help. Slowly the dusk comes. Another team is now on its way to return recovered bats back to freedom. While leaving the bat center with the bats for releasing, another team ist entering the bat center with our delivery of kitchen paper and new feeding bowls. And  already the emergency phone rings, a new emergency, an animal has caught in a glue trap. While the animal is on its way to our vet, everything is already being prepared there for medical treatment. This is how it is day in, day out - we were able to help more than 400 bat patients in 2019. Occasionally there are events on the weekends where we inform people about bat conservation, and with participating in demonstrations against the use of pesticides or forest destructions we bring our protest to the streets. Also lectures by Dr. med. Keil are an ongoing part of our bat conservation work, and this year the fire brigade control center was additionally trained in three seminar units in order to be able to act quickly and adequately on bat emergency calls. Of course, the work in the field may not be missing, as well as the reporting of the bat data to the Upper and Lower Nature Conservation Authority, because they are an important contribution in bat protection.

We are with the animals - every day and voluntary!

This is only part of our work - more information on Even our website got a new design in 2019.

Click on the Take Action Button and help the bats!

We thank all the people who supported us this year through active participation, sharing, retweets, likes, donations and much more. Please, stay with us next year, too. <3

#bats #Fledermäuse #BUND #FOE #BUND_h_agf  #Fledermaus_gefunden #found_a_bat #tierrettung #animal_rescue #BUNDchen #2019

Hambi stays! - Review 2018 AG Fledermäuse BUND Region Hannover

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, der einen Baum umarmt mit dem Banner Hambi bleibt // The drawing shows BUNDchen bat hugging a tree with the banner Hambi stays! BUNDchen Fledermaus Hambi bleibt // BUNDchen Fledermaus Hambi stays  (Carina Bach /

The Bat Conservation Team of the BUND Region Hannover also campaigned for the preservation of the Hambach Forest in 2018. By collecting signatures at our events, we were able to get countless signatures. Online, we were able to inform and mobilize many visitors of our website and on Facebook. In various demos in Braunschweig, Hannover and Berlin for the preservation of the Hambach Forest and a quick coal exit, we brought our protest on the street and gave the bats a voice. Always ahead is our new mascot Plüti - who came to us from the bat ambulance NABU Schleswig-Holstein and since then supports our public relations work.
Of course we were also able to help many bat patients to recover. Our vet Dr. med. Renate Keil and our dedicated nursing team take lovingly and tirelessly care of a large number of patients who come to us with different injuries every day.
And also backstage, there was much to do. From crafts, logistics to operations and field work everyone was busy. In our bat station, the last room was reconstraucted from which animals can later be released. There is still so much more to do, but the bats are mostly missing dedicated people with cars ready to take bat rescue / release operations, or help us transport event materials to the venues. We are also very happy about active people who support our information booths and take on children's activities.
With a public lecture on 05.12.2018 at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, the 5th of this year, our bat year ends in the field of public relations. On 20 event days we were present with our booths in the Hannover region. And last but not least, there were countless consultations that were made by our vet over the telephone, via the internet or in person. Hundreds of callers from all over Germany could be informed about the safety and initial care of injured bats via the bat emergency number, which is the only one in Germany 24h even at night and on weekends. Over 400 bat patients arrived or were picked up by us, treated, cared for and most oft hem already released. Many more who are currently hibernating or still in treatment are waiting for their release in Spring.
In February, we want to provide additional care for the first aid with a care seminar, and numerous other events will follow.
On 19.01.2019 we will start with the demo "We are sick of it!" In Berlin and oppose the use of pesticides and organic farming to give the bats the food source, the insects. - never be silent - never give up!

Don't miss our annual review on youtube :-)

2017 - 5 years Batstation Bat Conservation Team Friends of the Earth Germany Hannover

Das Bild zeigt verschiedene Arbeitsbereiche der AG Fledermäuse wie Handwerk, Geländearbeit, Arbeit mit den Tieren, Infostände, Kinderaktionen, Logistik und mehr // The picture shows various working areas of the Bat Conservation Team such as handicrafts, field work, work with the animals, information stands, children's activities, logistics and more Fledermausschutz aktiv // Bat Conservation  (AG Fledermäuse BUND Region Hannover /

After many wonderful years in the old station in the forest Eilenriede, in which our first aviary for bat patients stood, it was time to "pack the suitcases", because the aviary was too small for the many patients. But where do you go with bats? Thanks to the Capital of Hanover and the former environmental department leader Hans Mönninghoff we found an old building, which could be suitable as an accommodation. When we entered the new property for the first time, there was no light, no water, no drains, no doors, and the window holes were closed with boards. But - we had a lot of imagination and really no choice. So it was time to start! The then not even 10 people strong Bat team started despite all concerns "You'll never make it!". The bats came to a temporary winter quarter where they were taken care of daily, while we also took care of the expansion of the new bat center and its financing. With the help of the company "Around the house" we tirelessly built on the aviaries. At least the area for the animals, initially 200 m², should be ready in the Spring 2012 and all official permits must be there at that time. And so it was! In March 2012, the bat center opened the doors for the animals. But we were not done yet! We were still carrying water in canisters up the stairs. But we were not deterred. We continued and that not only on the construction, because more and more bat friends came along and helped us. The team became stronger and stronger. Unfortunately, we also had to say goodbye to our former biologist and co-founder of the bat center Elke Mühlbach and our hard-working activist Rüdiger Klose we have lost forever due to illness. Both of them could not ever see the Bat Center, but we will continue to fight for the bats.
Meanwhile, the bat center is further expanded. Various functional rooms were completed, a medical treatment room, another aviary, a workshop and a large flight training room were added.
Today the team counts about 50 activists and 20 supporters. We participate in various events, give lectures and cooperate with the School Biology Center Hannover in environmental education. Countless bat patients have come to our station so far, most of them are already healthy wild and free back in nature.

At this point, we would like to thank all those who have made the dream of the bat center come true. First and foremost, there are our many activists, some of them are daily and tirelessly in action for the animals - but there are you, too, who donate, share our postings or have adopted bats. There are also our big supporters such as the Capital Hannover, the Region Hanover, the BINGO environmental foundation, AbInBev, bat foundation, and there are also the companies that are volunteering for us, like Lagershausen safety technology and fire protection Berge and the companies, who set up donation boxes or donate part of the sales proceed of certain products to us. And we also thank all the hard-working helpers in the background, whose individual contributions can not all be listed.

We wish you a merry Christmas and all the best for 2018
AG bats
BUND Hannover Region

We are there - every day and on a voluntary basis! 

Don't miss our review 2017 on youtube :-)

2016 The year of the events - The Bat Conservation Team of the BUND Region Hannover gives the bats a voice

Das Foto zeigt einen Informationsstand der AG Fledermäuse BUND Region Hannover in der Waldstation Hannover // the photo shows an information boost of Bat Conservation Team Friends of the Earth Hannover Germany in the forest station Hannover Stand der AG Fledermäuse BUND Region Hannover in der Waldstation Hannover // Information boost of Bat Conservation Team Friends of the Earth Hannover Germany in the forest station Hannover  (Gudrun Becker /

2In 2016 we took part in 18 events lasting several days for the bats and the BUND and held 4 lectures, conducted 5 guided tours, taught 4 school classes and visited 5 bazaars / flea markets. Furthermore, some members of the group were members of the demos "We are sick of it" (Berlin) and "against the Eurotier mass animal husbandry" (Hannover) participated. All in all, we have 38 engagements in public relations :-) We were also able to "conquer" new locations, such as our use in the Theater am Aegi at the Musical Dracula, our booths in the Hannover Zoo for the market days and Halloween, our action in the Landesbildungszentrum für Blinde and our action day at the Wilhelm Busch Museum! Of course, we also received a large number of new bat patients, we were able to treat more than 300 animals this year with medical care, therapies and flight training and support them in their recovery. Also, the members of the AG bats have been active again in the field. And all this in addition to mission drives, daily care, care and training of animals, crafts, handicrafts, release trips, individual advice, backstage logistics and of course the BUNDchen bat office with the diverse tasks. Our thanks go to all the many bat godfathers, donors, shops and companies with their honorary commitment. A very special thank you goes to the company ecoObs this year, who has brought us a bit closer to the expansion of the bat center with a generous donation.

You want to actively help the bats? Then you are exactly right with us! No matter if you only want to join once a year or every day, every job is welcome. Above all, we are looking for people who help us with the numerous activities of public relations and logistics - but we are also very happy about your help in the other areas. Just click in.

They want to support us - we have many options, and for many, you do not even have to pay! Look at "Take Action" or "Donations"

We thank you very much for your interest - please stay connected to us next year as well. We are there - every day and on a voluntary basis!

Don't miss our review on youtube :-) 

2015 Bat Conservation Team BUND Region Hanover had a Record Year!

DAs Foto zeigt eine Bechsteinfledermaus, die die Baumhöhle verlässt // the photo shows a Myotis bechsteinii who is leaving the tree cave Bechsteinfledermaus // Myotis bechsteinii  (Dr. Renate Keil /

The Bat conservation team BUND Region Hanover had the most successful year ever - 60 activists and about 10 supporters are working together in a strong team to manage all the tasks of bat conservation. This Bat conservation team is one of the largest groups of activist of Friends of the Earth Germany.
2015 we took part in 18 events and additional we offered 4 excursions. For the first time we took part in great events like “Avenue setting the table”, “Region Adventure Day” and “Bats in the house and in the Opera” – but also smaller events were new in our program like the “Christmasmarket at Bethlehem Church” or the “Festival at Animal Shelter Hildesheim”. At the European Batnight we got a new record in the number of visitors.
Bat we had a sad record, too, because we got 442 new bat-patients. That were many more than the year before. Because of that we were more than just busy in 2015.
Great was the number of releasing – 253 bats could leave our station and are now wild and free again. For the first time we could release in captivity born Pipistrellus in a group-releasing project. We thank Hoppe-Behncke-Stiftung for their Support. 

2014 The bats fly to the children

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus in der Schule mit 2 Klassenkameraden und einer Lehrerin / the drawing shows BUNDchen bat at school with two members of his class and the teacher BUNDchen Fledermaus in der Schule / BUNDchen bat at school  (Carina Bach /

2014 was all about environmental education for children, because the bats packed their bags and flew into the schools. The lending office of the School of Biology Center Hannover has included our school bags in the fixed lending program. Suitcases can be borrowed free of charge from the Schulbiologiezentrum Hannover with a variety of exciting teaching materials in each grade level, and the classroom is transformed into a large bat school. In addition, the School Biology Center Hannover, under the direction of our AG member Rose P., also offers a variety of lessons on bats. Many physical experiments show the children how the world looks or sounds from the point of view of bats. The WG Bats has also won the Alnatura Prize and will soon be on display at various events with a bat experience tent. Here the small and big visitors can learn interesting things about bats. Currently, under the direction of Sarah R. a children's action team is founded, so that even the youngest with painting and crafting activities are already excited for the bats. Our AG was strengthened in 2014 by face painting and a bat clown in action and made a lot of fun for our little visitors. Also in the bat center is continued to work diligently. Thanks to the support of AbInBev, the showroom was built. However, there is still a lot of work to do until we can open the bat center for seminars, because the building code requirements are high and must be fulfilled. Of course, we were also in 2014 every day for our bat patients in use. 143 animals could be released to freedom. Unfortunately, some patients arrived too late and the help came too late. Please be aware of the findings of our animals on the website. There we have also provided many other interesting information for you. Just click here: Theme "Bats" Do you have some time for us and would you like to actively engage with the bats? There are many opportunities! Our varied offer includes: animal care, information stands, field work, children's activities, logistics, mission drives, crafts and much more - Just visit our website in the chapter bats "participate" or get involved with a sponsorship, a donation or help us completely Simply without any extra costs for surfing and shopping on the Internet - all information can also be found on our website. 

2014 BREAKING NEWS: The bats are back!

Das Foto zeigt das Banner Europäische Nacht der Fledermäuse Hannover Germany mit dem Termin und der Uhrzeit // the photo shows the banner of the European Batnight Hannover Germany with the date and time Banner Europäische Nacht der Fledermäuse Hannover Germany // Banner European Batnight Hannover Germany  (Rose Pettit /

Finally it was time again, after a long break the AG Bats of the BUND Region Hannover could again actively participate in the European Night of Bats. In a wonderful cooperation with the Schulbiologiezentrum Hannover we designed together a big bat festival. With a lot of fun and great activities there was something for visitors of all ages. Even the little ones were transformed into little bats with make-up and capes and visited the bat school, while larger children learned in experiments about the world of bats in a completely new way. Adults were able to obtain comprehensive information about bat protection and habitat conservation. The highlight for the visitors was the meeting with some of our bat patients - who has seen bats up close, will protect them forever!

You missed our party? Do not worry, if the night of the bats is celebrated all over Europe on 29.08.2015, the Hanoverian bat friends will be able to celebrate as well. The Klickmühle Hannover has already announced its support and we heard that Tony B. Bat would like to visit us. 

2013 -- 15000 and not a bit tired - the Bat COnservation Team of the BUND Region Hannover

Das Foto zeigt 2 Mitglieder des Fledermauspflegeteams bei der Pflegearbeit mit Fledermäusen // the photo shows two members of the bat team while caring for the bats Fledermauspflegeteam bei der Pflegearbeit // Bat team while caring for the bats  (Gudrun Becker /

In 2013, the approximately 40 AG members of the Bats AG group of the BUND Region Hannover provided over 15,000 working hours to protect the bats!

And our tasks are more diverse than ever: monitoring water bats, public relations, community counseling, counseling other bat protectors, management and internal organization, construction management bat center, veterinary care, intensive care bats, animal care, mission trips, flight training, release, craft, fundraising, information stands and children's actions at events in Hanover, Braunschweig, Springe, Hemmingen and Sachsenhagen, creating informational materials, internet support, seminars, bats, press relations, purchasing, occupational safety and much more.

Our focus in 2013 was on an overview:

- Creation of new information material on the dangers and protection possibilities of bats

- Expansion of the website also with two blogs in English and German, to make an international contribution to bat protection. We were able to welcome visitors from many parts of the world to our website and answer many questions that we received by email. On Facebook, our individual posts were read up to 82,000 times.

- Unfortunately, the year 2013 began with a tree felling and we had to start with a large-scale operation: Over 80 sometimes seriously injured large evening-gliders had to be supplied, trained and later reintroduced healthy.

- In the internal development process of the BUND Landesverband Niedersachsen e.V., the WG Bats is a pilot project!

- In June 2013 our project was named "Project of the Month" by the BINGO Environmental Foundation.

- Expansion of another aviary to rehabilitate injured bats.

We thank all the activists, supporters, sponsors and friends of the bat conservation project who have made this comprehensive bat protection possible. 

2012 Always in full work - our Bat Conservation Team

Das Foto zeigt ein Mitglied der AG Fledermäuse BUND Region Hannover beim Tragen von Holz in der Fledermausstation // the photo shows a member of  the Bat Conservation Team Friends of the Earth Hannover Germany while carring a piece of wood Arbeiten im Fledermauszentrum // Work at the bat center  (Gudrun Becker /

We have made a list of where our AG members are active everywhere - this list surprised even us: animal care, intensive care, veterinary care, medical care, flight training, release, water bats, citizen advice by phone and on site hard-supported by the AG Swifts, publicity at events, fundraising, sponsorship advertising, support of the bat website on the BUND homepage tirelessly supported by Sibylle, internet support of our websites (at Helpedia, Greenaction, Facebook,, My home, Benesale, Benefind, Savethebats), including merchandising Purchase or crafts, press work, applications for foundation, construction management bat center, contact nature conservation authorities, training at the Veterinary College and for the tree protection team of the city of Hannover, preservation of the city trees supported by our tree campaigner Georg and Gerd, Ebay-in favor of the bats, carrying out flea markets, organization of the AG employments, organization care plan, small sponsor and material acquisition, support and execution crafts around the bat center, Einsatzfahrten, purchase, creation of information materials, dispatch of information material including supraregional Remote advice, contact with other bat groups to Switzerland, work in the field and many many other tasks around the bats. The task of protection and accommodation of the neighborhoods of existing bat species has kindly been taken over by the team.

At this point a huge thank you to the AG Swifts, our tree campaigners, Sibylle, the board of the BUND Hannover region, the BUND regional association, Thomas, Ingo, Arnold for the active cooperation. We would also like to thank the BUND Bundesverband, NABU Langenhagen, Greenpeace Hannover, Greenpeace Germany, Feuerschutztechnik Berge Laatzen, Bingo Environmental Foundation, the state capital Hannover, the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, the professional fire brigade Hannover for the support of our work! 

Don't miss our Youtube video :-) 

2012 Opening Bat Station BUND Region Hannover Friends of the Earth Germany Hannover

Das Foto zeigt unsere Tierärztin, den Umweltdezernenten und eine Fledermaus zur Eröffnung BUND Fledermauszentrum Hannover // the photo shows our vet, the envoriment head of department and a bat at the opening Bat center Friends of the Earth Germany Hannover Eröffnung BUND Fledermauszentrum Hannover // Opening Bat center Friends of the Earth Germany Hannover  (HAZ /

Hans Mönninghoff emphasized the importance of the new bat center for the protection of bats in the Hannover region at the opening by the environment department of the state capital Hanover. Unfortunately, almost every year, many - sometimes hundreds - of the strictly protected animals suffer from winter tree felling, because species such as the great noctule bird hibernate in hibernation huts. In severe, late winters, as in 2011 and 2012, the animals very often wake up bats in the midst of hibernation in non-frost resistant quarters, if they are not already frozen. They are then greatly weakened around in search of a new, safe winter quarters. This often leads to entry into buildings.

These and other bat patients are being cared for in the new bat center and trained to recover after their recovery. On a total of more than 160 m² of flying space, the animals can keep in contact with their fellow species during their recovery time and move freely. You can freely choose your sleeping places from a large selection of wooden boxes, wooden tubes, replanted tree hollows and hide-out boards. The animals are trained daily in a specially trained training aviary. As soon as a recovered animal has sufficient fitness and fitness, it is reintroduced to its habitat in its habitual environment. The Bat Center actively contributes to the conservation of our biodiversity of endangered species in cities and rural areas.

Further expansion of the bat center is planned so that it can also be used in the future as an environmental education center for bat conservation.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for the generous support of the Niedersächsische Bingo - Umweltstiftung and the state capital Hannover! Without this financial support it would not have been possible to build and expand the bat center with its release station !! But we also thank the many volunteers from the BUND working group bats, who have tirelessly helped in countless hours for months to make this project unique for the region of Hanover and to take care daily of the recovery and care of the many found animals! 

Found a bat - get help!

click here

Take Action for bats!

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, er sagt zu dir Take Action! Werde aktiv für den Fledermausschutz! //  The drawing shows BUNDchen bat, he says to you Take Action! Get active for bat protection! click here

Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees

Das Foto zeigt einen großen grünen Baum // The photo shows a big green tree click here

Bats on Facebook

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus mit Handy // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat with cellphone click here

Bats on Instagram

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Bats on Youtube

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus auf der Bühne // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat on stage click here

Bats on Twitter

Die Zeichnung zeigt BUNDchen Fledermaus, der Zeitung liest // the drawing shows BUNDchen bat who is reading the newspaper click here
Das Foto zeigt eine Kleinabendseglerin mit dem Text Ich bin ein Wesen der Nacht. Hast du je an mich gedacht? Ich bin klein und unscheinbar, und bin doch so wunderbar. Kleinabendsegler Nyctalus leisleri  (Gudrun Becker /
Das Foto zeigt einen Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula im Porträt // The photo shows a nyctalus noctula in profile Großer Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula  (Gudrun Becker /

„The future should not be foreseen but made possible.“ (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)  
